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alright so heres a like..... note to self for me of alters i guess? idfk. ill add to this/subtract to this overtime depending on whatever happens.

aight so heres some like terms and shit tht imma explain poorly

alright hoe so imagine a massive fucking buss of people, when someone fronts or in this example sits in the front of the bust theyre fronting. co-fronting is like someone sitting in the driver seat.
so now im just going to list alters and their names. ill explain after what the terminology means.

these alters are out the most.
quinn/me: im the host, im typically out the most and i handle most daily tasks. pretty basic shit.
hype: trauma holder/protecter. this typically leads to his aggressiveness and his general distrust towards people.
cole: gatekeeper
oliver: little

other "uncommon" alters
Qio: gatekeeper, typically to keep oliver or penguin from coming out or fronting at inappropriate times.
shadow: persecutor
crow: memory holder/ internal self helper
spencer: Avenger (no not the movies you fucking flax seed)
penguin: little

non human alters
zero: ghost alter/protecter
Noah: cockatiel alter/fragment

alright holy shit yep that's it. 11 of us i guess, anyways imma explain stuff now.
trauma holder: basically the name. they hold trauma.
protector: alters who protect the body, system, host, core, or other specific alters or groups of alters
gatekeeper: alter who controls switching or access to front, access to inside or certain areas inside, or access to certain alters or memories.
Internal Self Helper: An internal self helper is an alter who holds vast amounts of knowledge about the system, alters, trauma, and/or internal workings.
Fragment: A fragment is an alter that is not fully differentiated or developed
Persecutor: Persecutors are alters who purposefully harm the body, system, host, core, or other alters, sabotage the system’s goals or healing, or work to assist the system’s abuser(s).
Avenger alters: alter holds the rage from childhood abuse and may seek retribution from the abuser.
Little: A child alter 7 or under

so uh yeah.
some of us age, some don't. oliver doesn't age and neither does crow.
we are all different genders/sexuality's
we like different foods
we have different purposes

cool i guess.

yknow i guess i mean we do have bread soooooooooooo yeah
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Regards; Team

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