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That team I built for you - Breakdown/how to play

- This is your primary win condition. This pokemon is busted. You dynamax it and it kills almost anything. Pair this with clefairy 90% of the time. There are very few things that can live a dynamax hyperbeam with a helping hand on it.
-Thunder is for coverage. Use it to hit pesky water and flying types as well as any types that resist your other attacks. Using it during dynamax will also set electric terrain, making it so that you can't fall asleep.
-Dark pulse is for coverage as well. A helping hand and this thing OHKOs a dusclops. It will also drop your opponent's special defense.

Gmax Lapras
- This is your secondary win condition. Dynamax this thing and use it's ice type move to set a wall for 5 turns that halves all incoming damage. If your opponent's team is slow pair it with clefairy, if it's fast use whimsicott. This will outspeed dragapult under tailwind.
- Freeze dry is unique because it's super effective against water types in addition to the normal weaknesses when not dynamaxed. Use this during dynamax to set aurora veil.
- Weather ball is a cool tech on this team. If there is a weather in effect it becomes a 100 base power move that has the same type as the weather condition that is active. Pair this with torkoal to surprise your opponents with a fire type move.

Gmax Cinderace
- This is your 3rd win condition and your third possible dynamax target. His ability "libero" makes it so that he changes types whenever he uses a move. use this to keep your opponent on their toes so that they can never hit with super effective damage and you always have STAB.
- This cinderace is frail and lacks protect so make sure to pair it with the right support mon and always try to hit for super effective damage because it gets a damage boost on super effective attacks due to it's item.
- Pyro ball is used to give you a 160 base power dynamax move that ignores enemies abilities. This is good to use if you see an opponent with an annoying ability like clefairy.
- Bounce is literally only to be used during dynamax. It boosts your speed by one stage as a max move but should very rarely be used otherwise.
- Iron head is one of your best attacking moves. Steel typing is amazing and the chance to flinch is just an added bonus.
- Sucker punch should be used against opposing offensive ghost and psychic types for the most part. This will one shot any dragapult that challenges you before they can even attack.

- This is your final win condition, however, you will NEVER dynamax this pokemon.
- You want to bring torkoal into matchups where a) you have to disrupt enemy weather, b) the opponent's have a lot of physical attackers, c) your opponent is playing trick room and you need a slow pokemon. Outside of these situations torkoal is pretty bad so be wary.
- Body press is the reason this pokemon works. It deals damage based off of your defense stat so boosting it really heavily will lead you to easy wins and easy knockouts.
- Iron defense is how you enable body press. At 3x defense or more you will likely ohko most pokemon.
- Protect is necessary to keep torkoal healthy before you get your defenses up. Play safe and avoid special moves.
- Yawn is your anti setup tech. If your opponent gets a bunch of boosts onto one mon or dynamaxes a pokemon then you can use yawn to force them to switch out or have their pokemon fall asleep so you can kill it.

-This is your first support pokemon. There are a few situations to use this but the most common one is against opposing offensive teams.
- Moonblast is your only damaging ability, but don't be fooled, it will do a surprising amount of damage if used correctly.
- Tailwind is the reason that whimsicott is here. With it's ability you can guarantee that your non damaging moves go off first, so you can get a massive speed boost for your entire board that lasts for 4 turns.
- Taunt is your tech to beat opposing support and setup pokemon. It prevents them from using non damaging moves so you can completely shut down some strategies with this.
- Protect is necessary here because whimsicott is often a very large threat so people will attempt to remove it often. Keeping it on the board is in your best interest so don't be picky with your protects.

- Clefairy is the glue that holds this team together as well as your second support pokemon. You will probably bring this in almost every game because of how good it is.
- Clefairy has the ability "friend guard" which reduces the damage taken by your partner pokemon by 1/4. Enough said.
- Follow me is your redirection for this team. Using this move forces your opponent to target clefairy which combined with clefairy's insane bulk will allow you to keep your sweepers alive and healthy.
- After you is your best trick room counter. Clefairy is really slow so you can use this move under trick room to ensure that your sweepers get to move before the enemy pokemon.
- Helping hand is the best support move in the game. It increases the damage of your partner pokemon's attack by 1.5x. This is a crazy increase and will often be the difference between an OHKO and a No-KO.
- Charm is our situational choice. You can use this to neuter opposing physical attackers by cutting their attack stat in half. Using this once is enough to force a switch and using it twice makes the pokemon effectively useless. If you feel it necessary though, you can change this out for a different move.

Leads - Leads are situational but here are a few basic examples that might help you.

Porygon Z + Clefairy
Porygon Z + Whimsicott
Lapras + Clefairy
Lapras + Whimsicott
Lapras + Torkoal
Cinderace + Lapras
Cinderace + Torkoal
Cinderace + Whimsicott
Cinderace + Clefairy
Torkoal + Clefairy
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Regards; Team

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