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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!

You both like Music.

You: hiya stranger'

Stranger: Hello !

You: are u a guy?

Stranger: No

You: cool

You: me too

Stranger: Cool. What’s your gender?

You: just said im a gir;

You: l

Stranger: There’s more than male and female-

Stranger: I didn’t want to asshme

Stranger: Assume

You: oh ok

Stranger: I hate people who just say male or female it annoys me so I don’t do that

You: cool have u met someone named anthony?

Stranger: No?

You: ok my friend was searching for him

Stranger: Inch resting

Stranger: Are you straight

You: yes i am

Stranger: Ew

You: why you lesbian?

Stranger: Uh yeah

You: eww

Stranger: See it’s not that I’m heterophobic I just don’t agree with the lifestyle

You: then why disrespect it?

Stranger: Because it’s against my beliefs

Stranger: Being straight is a sin ✨

You: seriously we all support y'all about that and you bash us

Stranger: Yes cause straight people are gross

Stranger: You breeder

You: ill definitly post this on my socials

Stranger: Do it bitch what do you have 200 followers?

You: actually 13k

Stranger: Mmm okay cool what’s your @ so I can see it

You: youll see it when the world sees this

Stranger: Why does it matter you don’t know who I am

You: you disgusting piece of shit

You: it aplies to all lesbos

Stranger: I’m not the one liking the opposite gender ew

Stranger: I just like boobs ya know ❤️

Stranger: And I’m not even a girl technically aha

You: you are a disgrace we celebrate a day just for u and this is how u pay us back

Stranger: Actually it’s a month

Stranger: Get it right hetero

You: sure bitch

Stranger: It is we literally have pride MONTH not day you weak little carror

Stranger: Carrot

You: thats ur weakest insult ha XD

Stranger: No I just don’t wanna use an actual insult on a waste of space like you ✨😚

You: you know james?

Stranger: Charles? If so yes but I don’t care about him.

You: no

Stranger: then who

Stranger: I don’t know anyone named james

You: ok youll find out

Stranger: Who’s James

You have disconnected.

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Regards; Team

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