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The mission of the Canadian Forces members is to
defend our country, its interests and its values, while
contributing to international peace and security. They
serve in many capacities at home and throughout the
world carrying on Canada’s proud military tradition.
Over the years, many Canadian Forces veterans have
served overseas in a variety of United Nations (UN),
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and
other multinational task forces.
International peace missions often have positive effects
but the strife, conflict and death that can surround
these efforts is not always easy to handle. Being
separated from friends and family for months at a
time, the possibility of witnessing extreme violence
and cruelty, of having to use force or have force used
against you, and the realization that you could be
killed or wounded while carrying out your duties are
some of the experiences that many Canadian Forces
veterans know well.
International Efforts
During the first half of the 20th century, some 1.5
million Canadians were called upon to defend peace
and freedom around the world during the First World
War, the Second World War and the Korean War.
Following these terrible conflicts, in which more than
110,000 Canadians died, Canada and other countries
felt that it was better to try to prevent wars when
possible than fight them. Our country played a leading
role in the peacekeeping movement from the outset.
In fact, a Canadian, Lester B. Pearson, won the 1957
Nobel Peace Prize for his pioneering vision in helping
establish a UN force to prevent the Suez Crisis of the
1950s from escalating into a global confrontation.
Since then, Canada’s commitment to international
peace efforts and other overseas military actions has
continued. Some of the places Canadians have served
include Egypt, Cyprus, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the
former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Ethiopia
and Eritrea, East Timor, and Afghanistan.
Peace Mission Challenges
‘Peacekeeping’ is based on the idea that having a force
of impartial troops present in a regional conflict can
help reduce tensions and improve the chance of
peaceful settlement to a violent conflict. But filling
this role is demanding work. Put yourself in the boots
of a person leaving on an international peace mission.
You could be called upon to monitor cease-fires, patrol
buffer zones, act as an intermediary between clashing
groups, clear landmines, investigate war crimes, protect
refugees and provide humanitarian assistance.
The role of the Canadian Forces now involves all
aspects of peace support, including peace-making and
peace-building. The skills and training needed for
peace support includes ‘combat skills’ as well as ‘contact
skills.’ Their lives and the lives of others often depend
on their skill in both areas and their ability to use
both at the right time.
Each situation encountered by the Canadian Forces
when they enter into a new peace mission is unique.
Canadian Forces members returning from peace
missions often remark that “there was very little peace
to keep,” a reference to the fact that our military is
often asked to intervene in situations of full-fledged
war where the environment is not at all peaceful.
Facts and Figures
■ The number of Canadians who have served has
varied greatly over the years, according to the
needs of our country and the world. Over one
million Canadians served during the Second World
War. Our present-day military numbers are
approximately 60,000 regular force members and
20,000 reservists.
■ More than 125,000 Canadian Forces members
have served in dozens of international peace
missions to more than 35 countries over the past
six decades. Approximately 125 Canadians have
died in these efforts and many more have suffered
physical and mental injury.
■ The Canadian Forces perform many other
important functions. Search-and-rescue operations,
patrolling our air space and territorial waters,
supporting anti-drug operations and helping out
in the aftermath of natural disasters, such as the
Manitoba Flood of 1997 or the Great Ice Storm
of 1998, are just a sample of some of these vital
Heroes and Bravery
In 1988, the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize was
collectively awarded to the world’s peacekeepers,
including thousands of Canadians, who served in UN
missions during that year. This honour inspired Canada
to create the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal.
Tens of thousands of serving Canadian Forces members
and veterans proudly wear this medal.
International peace missions have a large element of
‘reaching out.’ While there is always a political element
to peace missions, the on-the-ground efforts are often
characterized by human emotion and compassion.
For example, during the UN peace efforts in Somalia
in the early 1990s, Naval Lieutenant Heather
MacKinnon operated a medical clinic, worked in
hospitals and orphanages and provided humanitarian
assistance to the victims of war and famine in the
embattled city of Mogadishu. It was a tense and
dangerous time, and the risks of working there were
very real. Lt. MacKinnon helped many people in this
time of great upheaval and laid the groundwork for
further relief efforts in the battered country.
Many Canadians have served on several international
missions in the course of their careers, repeatedly
fulfilling their duties against the constant background
of danger. One example of this special effort comes
from Master Corporal Mark Isfeld. He was a combat
engineer who served in three peace missions before
losing his life in a landmine explosion in Croatia in
1994. This Canadian soldier was known for giving
children in war-torn regions handmade dolls that his
mother and others in Canada had made. He passed
out these dolls to try to bring a little happiness and
hope to the children. After his tragic death, the story
began to spread of how he touched childrens’ lives
with those handmade dolls from Canada. Thousands
of these dolls then began to flood in from people all
across Canada who decided to make dolls for other
Canadian soldiers to give away overseas and keep
M.Cpl. Isfeld’s tradition alive. The dolls have since
become known as ‘Izzy dolls.’
Canadian Forces veterans have made many personal
and global achievements, and have made personal
sacrifices to defend Canada’s interests and its values,
while contributing to international peace and security.
These men and women take their honoured place in
our country’s military history beside their fellow
veterans and fallen comrades of Canada’s earlier war
efforts. Their commitment has earned Canada a
worldwide reputation as a country that supports and
protects peace.
Canada Remembers Program
As the years have passed, the focus of commemorative
events like Remembrance Day has expanded. Where
once they centred on the achievements and sacrifices
of the veterans of the World Wars and Korea, they
now include the veterans of ‘peacetime’ Canadian
Forces activities.
The Canada Remembers Program of Veterans Affairs
Canada encourages all Canadians to learn about the
sacrifices and achievements made by Canada’s veterans
during times of war, military conflict and peace, and
to become involved in remembrance activities that
will help to preserve their legacy for future generations.
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