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Yarrowtail sought out Morningfrost among the crowd. Her eyes landed on his golden-spotted pelt quickly and she rushed over. As she made her way closer, however, she picked up another scent.
/FogClan?/ she thought, fear pricking her chest. She felt her kits squirm in her belly and silently reassured them that it would be okay, though she didn't quite believe it herself. /Is that Whitefur?/ she realized as she peered closer.
Morningfrost's ears pricked and he whipped around to face her. "Yarrowtail, what are you doing?" he quickly mewed, guilt making his voice crack.
"I wanted to speak to you in private, but I can see that you're busy at the moment," she growled in a low voice.
"If you'll excuse me, Whitefur," he murmured, dipping his head to the white she-cat. He led Yarrowtail off to the side of the clearing and whispered, "What?"
"I'm expecting your kits, that's what!" she gasped. "I thought it was obvious since I assumed we were mates, but I guess Whitefur is your new mate! Can't get a she-cat in your own Clan, can you?"
Morningfrost stayed silent, his eyes growing darker as his head lowered. He straightened, shook out his fur, and left Yarrowtail alone in the shadowy edge of the clearing. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to stagger away from the spot, her mind whirling.
/I should've known he couldn't stay loyal! He broke the code and turned me into a codebreaker, and now I have to suffer the consequences. I hope he gets his comeuppance soon/, she thought angrily.
Through her heartbroken and angry stupor, she didn't notice her sister until it was too late. "Yarrowtail? What's wrong?" Tansytail meowed immediately. "Did you hurt yourself?"
Yarrowtail shrugged. "You could put it that way..." she muttered, sitting down and kicking up dirt with her front paw.
"Will you tell me about it or do I have to get one of our fathers?" she prompted, leaning closer to Yarrowtail's face.
Glancing around to make sure no cat was listening, she whispered, "I'm pregnant with Morningfrost's kits, but I caught him and Whitefur flirting. Oh, StarClan, what am I going to do?" She bowed her head in sadness and felt Tansytail press her muzzle against her shoulder.
"It'll be alright, I promise. I'll get Pebblebright, and he can help you with this. He's great at feelings and stuff, more than Lionleap." With that, Tansytail raced off while calling for their adoptive father.
She soon returned with Pebblebright. "I heard about what happened. Oh, Yarrowtail, why didn't you tell us you were expecting? And with Morningfrost's kits..." He trailed off, but Tansytail cleared her throat and Yarrowtail saw her jerk her head towards her. "I'm not helping, am I? Well, I /can/ help with you being a queen. We'll tell Cliffstar, and I know he'll be understanding. Then you can have your kits in peace."
Yarrowtail's head shot up. "Don't tell Cliffstar! He and Darkfang are the last cats I want to know about my kits! If you tell Cliffstar, he'll tell Darkfang, and everyone will get into trouble."
"Well, if we don't tell him, he'll find out anyway. Might as well save yourself the trouble. If you'd like, I can tell him. I'm his medicine cat. He can't blame me for this." Pebblebright ran his tail along her spine. "Cheer up, Yarrowtail. You're a mother! If nothing else, be happy about that. Some cats never experience the joy of raising their own kits."
"You're right. Please tell Cliffstar. I'll make a nest in the nursery tomorrow," she mewed, voice cracking slightly.
"How long have you been pregnant?" gasped a voice. Yarrowtail looked up to see Lionleap rushing over. Without Yarrowtail noticing, Tansytail had slipped away and was running alongside the sturdy golden tom. "Yarrowtail, I'm so happy for you!" he purred, rubbing his muzzle along her cheek.
She shoved him away gently and said, "I'm not sure how long. Maybe half a moon or so?"
"These will be the first kits born in the new territory!" Lionleap breathed, his eyes staring brightly off into the distance. He refocused on her and added, "Who's the father?"
"That fox-heart Morningfrost," Yarrowtail growled.
"What's wrong with Morningfrost?"
While Tansytail explained what had occurred, Yarrowtail quickly groomed her pelt. As she rasped her tongue across her belly, she imagined what her kits would look like. /Maybe they'll get my golden tail!/ she thought cheerfully. /And maybe things won't be so bad./
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