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I just want to say what I think about all this, and I know i'm young and "shouldn't be speaking my mind" but y'all know who else was young Trayvon Martin. A 17 year old African American Teenager (Trayvon Martin) fatally shot 8 years ago from a white man (George Zimmerman) for looking "suspicious" while walking to his fathers house after going to the gas station to get some snacks which he paid for. George could've followed the cops orders and left it alone when he called, but he decided to stalk the 17 year old child. Like any grown or young man, being Troyvon, had the RIGHT to feel suspicious of a white man following him around like hes some kind of threat or fresh meat, so he did what he had to do and defended himself (Trayvon). Now tell me this, if it was a white child walking back from the gas station with skittles and a green tea, would he look suspicious to a white cop? Not at all. Does a white child, man, or woman have to worry about cop as much as a black child, man, or woman have to while roaming the streets or going into a store? No. A black man shouldn't be gasping for air because a cop has a knee to his neck, a black woman shouldn't have her last breath from a gunshot wound from a cop, a black man shouldn't be gasping for air cause a cop had his arm around his neck for selling cigarettes, a black man shouldn't get shot by a cop for messing with a TOY GUN in the middle of Walmart, a black child shouldn't get shot by a cop for playing with a TOY GUN at a local playground, a black woman shouldn't be beaten to death by a cop that forged her death to look like a suicide, just cause a fucking traffic stop! I know you know the names of all these people but why won't you say them? Why won't you all say the names of the innocent peoples lives you took and the families you've hurt? You don't care, you don't care about what we think but we still are gonna fight for the rights of black lives cause how can all lives matter when all black lives haven't mattered to y'all since slavery. Blacks have lives too but y'all don't seem to understand that and they have just as much to lose as a white male or woman, and you see us fighting for the right of black lives cause we're all human, no matter the color, no matter the race, we're all the same. We won't stay silent and they will not stand alone in this fight until ALL black lives matter. We will not rest until we have justice. We have whites standing by our side and we appreciate you using your power to help the black lives during these times and those who are, we greatly appreciate it. I'm not targeting any race, but I am targeting cops. I stand by my words of choice, you can't change my mind, so therefore I will stand up and say BLACK LIVE MATTER! #blacklivesmatter #blm #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforsandrabland #justicefortamirrice #justiceforjohncrawford #justiceforericgarner #justiceforbreonnataylor #justicefortrayvonmartin
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