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north american christioanity is beru cthrueisted. ecery one came to see owoit swas. today thetre are lots of groups. america has immigrants churches in america duch calvinists. cool beans. doucht reo+fromt church. recormf churhc in america. demotnsation,. first great awakeninh. puritians are not longer very excited about christianity. another evangelsit is george witfeild. he was a calvinist. churchis avout preaching the gospel. first great awaking was not as bolbd as second. in beetween christisanity were less intrested in faith again. old man. second great awakining tended to be arminium. they thought they were making all the choices. america things christianity need to be exciting. synod of dort loves second services. late 19th century immigrants have differnt senses of religion. they wanted to go to church in morning and then no more. very biased man douma is. germany gave out liberal ideas. they disregarded miricles. they are man-centred like mister douma. liberal won that fight, other christians withdrew from mainstream. again he is very narrow minded pushes his belifes as the best. lots of persecution in holland. they go to united states because of this. some of kypers ideas are much good. some not so good. first canadian church splits in alberta. coolll/. many netherlands came to canada. synodical. crc leadd meeeeee. crc waaaaas more liberal. i am hurtung a bit. we are still working to unity. free reformed church. they come from church that did not join unjion because of kypers veiw. they put more emphisous on living a pious life. negative preaching.
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