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I agree with Martin Luther King's ideologies and perspective because he is proving his point on how equality is important but to actually change society and stop racial discrimination both races have to work together not against each Increasing conflict and violence isn't going to help stop racial segregation and injustice. Instead it's going to lead to riots, lootings, and violence in society which isn't what's best for the world. Martin Luther King said "Whether one lives in the heart of the Deep South, or in the North, the problem of injustice is his problem; it is his problem because it is America’s problem." This indicates that everyone is human and people shouldn't be judged by their color and nationality because it's something that they can't change and shouldn't need to change. Even today we are experiencing racial problems amongst black people which is something that shouldn't be happening, the right move to make for these racial problems to be fixed is people should protest if needed in a peaceful matter with no violence and no fear on how people in this world are going to treat you based on your race. Everyone is equal and society needs to start understanding that better. We should go back in history and think about what Martin Luther King has said about equality and how people of different races should unite and make this world a better place setting aside their physical appearances. Society needs to understand and take action on how black people have been treated their whole life because their "different". The world in general even needs to think from a different perspective and how they treat each other today. This perspective could even be Martin Luther Kings perspective.
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