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- its not the feeling of dopamine that you get, its the feeling of hopelessness and having to start over, irrespective of how good it feels.

- 10am: Sherwin Morning Prayer
- 9pm: Michael Evening Prayer

The interesting thing about nihilism is its confidence in the assertion that life is meaningless and inescapable suffering, while maintaining an inability to convince those who attribute meaning with equal grounds in the supposed relativism of truth, while mainting an outlook of positive emotion in spite of physical suffering.

It seems thus, that nihilism is not concerned in the reality of suffering, as it is in the experience of it. In deeming everything meaningless, it takes refuge in the thought that there is no escape, and thus refuge in the comfort of no accountability, and a sense of self-pity that brings man to a state where he simultaneously despises his burden and despises the attempt to remove it, and so contemplates the burden as ever-present in the bounds of logic, and yet in doing so give power to its assertion as its own a priori.

In nihilism, there is no external objective meaning, apart from the meaning that results in its own internal assertion of meaninglessness. That is to say: The declaration of meaninglessness, is in itself a sense of meaning, since it is a sense of coherence that develops a theme -- the very theme nihilists wish to escape under the guise of "nature"

It is a fools paradise. Where he suffers and is satisfactory in his suffering.

It is the epitome of God's absence. A sense of deception of a truth, that it unwillingly implies as a sense of truth itself. But one absent of love, and absent of God.

Hell itself, commencing in the minds of men, chaining them to a death of hopelessness.
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