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incident_id agent_id

1. IN2007161827402925596 tpm.528465 : wrong action taken by agent as frm team they close the incident as :
FRM : As per return ID (12201917606822387406) return is already rejected/initiated/completed. Hence closing the case.

do not close as duplicate

agent should provide info as per his incident and help to cx wrong soolved nrr close and survey triggered on nrr case

2. IN2007152021285582159 igsmt3.358379 : survey triggered on solved nrr incident as agent share buy tym and close this as nrr
3. IN2007301838253699827 tpmflex19.496514 : correct info as per cx voc and as per timing of the email
4. IN2007282028132332916 tpm.502925 : correct action as agent close this as nrr as already with escaltion team but survey trigered
5. IN2007282008183411033 tpmflex19.496514 : all info is correct but agent failed to understand the cx voc in understand

need to share : we understand that you've received a different order.

instead of 'We understand that you are facing issues with your order '

6. IN2007292003451897594 igsmt18.424347 : agent failed to edit the template

need to share : We'd like to let you know that your order on July 29, 2020 was unsuccessful even though the amount was debited from your account.

instead of : We’d like to let you know that your order on July 29, 2020 was unsuccessful even though the amount was debited from your account.

need to share : The refund of Rs.49/- has been completed, it will be credited to your Gift Card section of your Flipkart account on August 12, 2020.

instead of : The refund of Rs.49/- has been initiated, it will be credited to your Gift Card section of your Flipkart account on August 12, 2020.

7. IN2008011700001802517 tpmflex19.496514 : correct info
8. IN2007252351388657003 tpmflex19.496514 :correct info
9. IN2007261802182613123 tpmflex19.496514 : correct info
10. IN2008012026586721209 igsmt18.423503 : correct info
11. IN2007290101022845392 tpm.502921 : agent failed to edit the template

as 'Hope this helps.' need to mentione din the last as agent mentioned in between the email
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Regards; Team

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