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1-Master Ultra Anxiety, induce levels of anxiety in others that ranges from mildly nervous to utter panic. No cost and perfect control.
2-Master Bio-Metal Form, transform their body completely into malleable living metal, which grants them superior physical strength, no need for sleep ans such, high resilience to most kind of attacks and first rate regenerative abilities. They can harden/soften and mold their body to fit the needs of every situation, shapeshift all kinds of bladed weapons, strengthen their defenses via additional layers, conceal themselves by mimicking their environment, or even scatter their body to cover more ground without attracting attention.
3-Master Memory Wipe, complete wipe, recent events or just certain things. Very small cost and perfect control.
4-Intimidation, always appear as an intimidating figure, worthy of respect or fear. Passive, no cost.
5-Master Transcendent Vampire Physiology, a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood. Due to the nature of their powers, they are capable of increasing their already amazing powers even further by absorbing various forms of energy. The user is thus capable of challenging most beings in existence. Absolute Immortality, Absobtion, Supernatrual Survivability, Complete Mental, Sealing and Spiritual Immunity, Power Anchoring, Blood Manipulation, Dark Arts, Reanimation, Resurrection, Darkness Manipulation, Daytime Walking, Death Empowerment, Illusion Manipulation, Absolute Illusion, Meta Magic, Indimitable Will, Genesis Creation, Night Empowerment, Ultimate Intangibility, Psionics, Meta Teleporation, Telekkinesis, Telepathy, Precognition, Knowledge Anchoring, Singularity, High Supenatrual condition and Weather Manipulation. Perfect control. Almost never goes all out.
6-Master Time Travel, travel freely through time at will. Low cost and perfect control.
7-Expert Accelerated Development, users of this ability are able to improve upon their natural abilities, as well as the ones that they are trying to learn at an accelerated pace. Strength, speed, durability, and stamina can grow at an accelerated pace Mental capabilities are able to advance to the point that their intelligence far eclipses that of a normal human, or their learning capabilities increase to the point that they can learn things at a much faster rate. Great potency and passive.
8-Intermitten Dimensional Storage, large yet still limited space, low cost, decent control.
9-Master Durability Negation, damage the target regardless of its durability, bypassing or negating durability, even if they lack destructive attack power.
10-Master One Hit Kill, kill the target with a single strike. Low cost and perfect control. Anything which is under level 95.
11-Master Hidden Attacks, channel/send their attacks through some medium (ground, water, air, object, etc.) to hit from an unexpected angle. Very low cost and perfect control.
12-Master Spell Reflection, reflect the spells of others, usually back at the source or aside to a safe distance. Low cost and perfect control.
13-Novice Void Weaponry, create or wield weapons, such as blades, polearms, or whips, with power over the void, which grants the user a wide variety of nothingness-based abilities. Heavy drain and low control.
14-Master Child Prodigy, able to perform them at the level of a highly trained adult in a very demanding field of endeavor. Passive
15-Expert Organic Detection, sense the presence of organic matter and possibly gain detailed understanding about the organic matter. Passive
16-Master Power Detection, sense the presence of supernatural powers and gain detailed understanding about them, including their type, quality and intensity. Passive
17-Master Elemental Aura, release and surround themselves with elemental matter and energy for defensive and offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable. Low cost and perfect control.
18-Master Temporal Protection, immune to alterations in the time stream, allowing them to retain memories of prior timelines before the alterations when others may not. They'll notice if someone time travels to the past or someone rewinds time to the point the event will occur. Passive.
19-Expert Divine Aura, surround themselves in almighty divine energy, which can cause others to submit to them. Very low cost and perfect control.
20-Master Opportunity Sense, sense opportunities in any situation for most useful actions to gain what they want. They can sense the right time to strike in combat, or the right moment to take advantage of something. Passive
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