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Han lowered his arm at the sudden vibration against his ear. The screen showed black, meaning the call got rejected. Under darkness, Han's expression saddened as he tossed his phone on the couch. Without a word, Han walked to Ryuk's room. Asleep or not, he didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Ryuk?" Han lowered his voice and creaked the door open. After a faint creak, Ryuk revealed his sleeping figure, fighting to wake up to listen. It took a moment or two. Han stayed frozen in place until Ryuk sat up in his bed.

At that, Han shook his head without talking. While it was almost invisible, Ryuk sighed softly. He comprehended Han's gesture fully, sadly.

As the youngest got ready to leave, Ryuk casually waved him over. He could tell the kid needed more than just a sympathetic smile whatsoever. Han didn't say anything else before obeying. Ryuk smiled faintly, despite being nearly invisible in the pitch darkness of his room.

"Ouch!" Han exclaimed in a hushed yell, unexpectedly bumping his foot into something on Ryuk's bedroom floor. It felt like a glass bottle, but neither could tell what it was. Without risking being caught, Ryuk halted Han in his place.

"Aish, just stay there. I just ask you about last week. You told me that you met the kid... who's the son of.. your uncle," Ryuk urgently looked up to recall the memory of their previous conversation. Han widened his eyes slightly, only then remembering Taemin.

"Taemin," Han gasped to himself and turned on his heel to run. At the awaited return to sleep, Ryuk sighed in relief and casually lowered himself to go back to sleep. Except he heard footsteps run toward him instead, which would make him anxious-

"Thank you!" Han dared to ruffle his hyung's hair before running away. Ryuk snorted and fell asleep on a positive note, knowing he was helpful in some way.

And underneath Han's doorframe, a boy was sparked with a newfound, weak speck of hope. His bed failed to draw him closer because Han walked to his closet instead. With determination, he opened one drawer to find the folded basketball shorts and shirt. The green, custom made which uncle Taehyung gave him three years ago. Despite all the painful memories, Han couldn't shake the urge to meet 'uncle' Taehyung again. Seeing him felt like a debt. It felt as if Han owed him for the visits at the center after being taken back. As much as he wanted to talk to Taemin about them,

He couldn't.

Kim Taemin

The young teenager took a large sip of water from his bottle, breathing heavily from practice. His state only meant he had worked hard. Which brought him to walk on tired feet. While every player walked off the field, Taemin walked straight to his coach at the center of the painted grass.

"Can I apply, at least?" Taemin asked without needing to provide any context. The coach pressed her lips together before she stopped herself from writing notes.

"It's neither the time nor opportunity, sadly." She shook her head lightly and deceived his question in a determined tone. The player did anything but take the answer well. After a pause of calming himself, Taemin cleared his throat.

"I've worked hard. I've improved. I've scored over half of the goals this season. I don't understand how I'm not qualified to be the leader?" Taemin tried to keep his voice respectful and neutral. However, he fumed on the inside.

Being a leader of the football team meant responsibility. He wanted to prove to be a good player. He wanted this.

"Taemin. If you think being a talented football player fulfills the role of being a leader, you need to take a good look at yourself. You are very good up there, but being a leader requires more than skill." She concluded. Dumbfounded, Taemin didn't try to process any of the deep talks. What?

Taemin didn't realize she left the field to work. Their newest coach was a female, and that brought attention to their football team. If they knew how unfair she was to Taemin, they'd be mad. At least that's what Taemin believed. Sighing heavily, Taemin had no choice but to leave the field alone.

The locker room remained with three of the slowest players. Not on the field, but in the changing rooms. The trio loved wasting the school's water in the shower. Taemin soon changed expression upon seeing them and waved lightly.

"Scolding?" Duho questioned, and raised his eyebrows at his fellow player. Duho made a decent football player, but he was considering quitting.

"Walk and talk to me about it?" Duho pressed as Taemin's expression turned awkward and frustrated. It didn't seem appropriate to talk out loud in front of the players he knew the least. Awkwardly, Duho grabbed his duffel bag and pointed at the door.

Although Taemin wasn't best friends with the guy, he followed Duho. At least he'd get his frustration out somehow. He walked past the two estranged teammates and slipped out of the door alongside Duho. Thank god for that.

"I went to ask her when I can be a leader. Apparently, there's more than football skills required to be a leader of a football team. I feel like she hates me. God," Taemin groaned in frustration and rolled his eyes of even talking about it.

"Hm," Duho hummed. He pretended not to know what she was talking about. Taemin lacked the ability to work with his team. He worked hard, he had what it took, but never in a million years would he actually pass the ball unless it was absolutely necessary. Duho just kept quiet. Even if he was burning to explain-

"It's about being a teamplayer, you know. Fair play, teamwork. Being a leader means you have all the responsibility. I feel like you could work on maybe... passing the ball more often?" Duho sheepishly suggested.

Taemin opened his mouth to defend himself until he heard his name. He instinctively turned his head in the direction of the sound. Confused, Taemin saw a group of girls. Of course, he raised his eyebrows and walked slower to overhear the conversation.

His expression changed the second he saw his own parents on one of their phone screens. It seemed like someone showed their friends old videos. Younger versions of his dads from years ago. Why were they still relevant? Even after his dad deleted the account? Taemin stopped in his tracks unbeknownst to Duho, who stopped later.

"Hey, can you stop stalking my dads?" Taemin bluntly asked sternly, to which the girls quickly hid their phones in their pockets. Stupidly they grew embarrassed over being caught, but Taemin continued to express his frustration.

"Honestly, I don't get it. These are years old, what the fuck is your thing?" Taemin pushed them, to which their eyes darted between each other. It looked like as if they eyed each other on who would answer that.

Ever since his dads grew popular on TikTok, the couple thought the 'fame' would end after a year. They were right. Of course, they weren't known as TikTok stars. They just updated their followers once in a while, and they regretted putting Taemin into it. Without exploiting their child, they did let their followers know they had a son. Taemin grew up great in their household until the kids at his school discovered Taemin's TikTok account, and thus his parents.

Since then, Taemin gained popularity and recognition. Many adored his parents, and it was cool at first. Taemin loved the attention and having cool parents. The fun lasted short once everyone forgot to pay attention to the real Taemin. No one gave an actual fuck about him, and Taemin knew it. He only got questions about living with his parents. That was it. He was sick and tired of it.

"Taemin, chill. We just saw you walking down the hall, and it reminded us of them. Your parents are awesome! We didn't mean any harm. I wish my parents were that cool. Like, yours are so funny." One of the girls explained calmly. The rest of the volleyball girls nodded innocently. At that, Taemin felt disgust pile up in his stomach.

Instead of giving an answer, he distracted himself by looking at his phone screen.

"Done at soccer practice? I'll be there to pick you up. Give me a call."

16 minutes ago

Missed call from Dad

5 minutes ago

I want to take the bus today

sent 1 second ago

Taemin groaned loudly upon realizing he had to check the times for buses. Duho parted from him at one of the exits, while Taemin was clueless as to what to do. To his luck, Taemin now faced another huge topic in his family.

"I- hyung, I think you'd make a good leader." The younger spoke kindly. Taemin blinked in response and tried to analyze how that respect fit himself.

Han cleared his throat and stared at the wall behind Taemin, before awkwardly speaking Han hadn't called anyone hyung in years. Not even Ryuk. Taemin didn't know, but Han viewed him as his only family out of desperation. Out of utter and pure desperation. Han hated everyone, but the only first impression he cared about was for his uncle Taehyung's and uncle Jimin's son. His cousin, in his head. At least the only family he could reach. Han cared for Taemin at a distance, despite knowing him little.

"I heard the conversation, but didn't know how to approach... but I wanted to talk to you since you're my friend?" Han elaborated quietly in a ramble. Taemin caught half of it...

"...Sure?" Taemin awkwardly stood quietly. Dad wasn't picking him up anyway, and the buses went on and off. Han was dressed in his typical basketball uniform, which was odd. He didn't know the basketball team had practice at the same time as the football team? Huh? Since when?

"Well. I.. I just wanted to ask about your next football match?" Han nervously fiddled with his fingers and gulped lightly. Taemin saw the anxiety straight through him.

"Han, relax." Taemin attempted to be reassuring. However, his shoulders seemed to tense more. Han nodded frantically before gulping again.

"And... what about it? Do you want to see me play?" Taemin asked with a slight smile on his face. However, the back of his head knew exactly why Han asked.


"And you want to meet my dads" Taemin finished the sentence Han didn't say. He knew. Taemin chuckled to himself and shook his head. For a second, he thought Han actually gave a shit.


"Don't act dumb. I know more than you think I do. How can I not? Dad keeps talking about you, Appa keeps talking about you. Everything is about you, Han." Taemin's hostility shone through his stare. Han frowned at his voice but felt his heart flutter. Uncle Taehyung talked about him? How?

Han hardened his gaze, but Taemin already saw the soft gaze his face made. Too late. Taemin was right. Jungkook told him more than anyone knew. Long story short, Taemin got tired of his parents' secret talks and being shut out. So he forced it out of Jungkook instead, who was younger and still knew more than him. At that, Taemin knew Han's true intentions.

"Saturday at six. Honestly, don't even bother pretending to be a friend. You should have asked me a long time ago. I know you met uncle Jin, and I know you want to meet my dads too. It's fine. My football game won't even be about me. At least they'll see you." Taemin rolled his eyes deeply and scoffed at Han's attempt at explaining himself. Han didn't mean it like that-

Taemin's features saddened after walking past the younger without another word. Han turned his head to process everything he said. His heartbeat out of his ribcage out of fear. Did Taemin hate him now? Han stood frozen in place. His throat went dry at Taemin's previous speech. How did Taemin know that?

Meanwhile, Taemin felt... sad. Exhausted. Frustrated. He's not getting the leader's position, no one cares about him, and even his parents talk about Han more than they talk about him. At the thoughts, Taemin felt a lump in his throat. As the wind blew him in the direction of the bus stop, Taemin didn't want to go home.

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