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Oh, ok, it just sounded like the usual "Anti-fa are N*zis" when in actual fact they've always slandered their opponents with projection & atrocity propaganda.

Yeah, the left-right paradigm is a false dichotomy, a control structure set in place to give a sense of self-determination, whilst actually having complete control over the chattel, but that's pretty much what H*tl*r told people.

3rd-position pop*lism was never totalitarian, it didn't involve terr*rism/ ri*ting, it didn't take people's g*ns away, it didn't take their land, it had decent freedom of speech/ religion, but when the war started, it had to assert some authoritarianism to combat gossip, slander & subversion, or neo-p*gan movements like arios*phy, which attempted to warp history. They had laws enacted and criminals were convicted for deg*neracy and treason against the G*rman people. The entire faction of J*wry waged war on G*rmany as soon as they decided to fight against the Intern*tional Gl*bal Fin*nce system, which was openly circulated in print, and they were printing the 6 mil d*ath rate number long before the N S came to power, repeatedly.
No matter what you do, and what your morality/ values are, if you directly oppose them, especially financially, you will be slandered as the most heinous creatures.

We actually have a state, which, for the past few decades, has been openly derogatory about the Bri*ish people and Eur*peans in general, and it's most recent actions have been openly hostile. We are an occupied people, whether most of the mask-wearing muppets realise it or not.
​A n*tion can only be your people, your extended, extended family, who share your values & culture to an extent; libertarian, multiculti civic-nationalism was always going to lead to this chaos.
If a person doesn't care about themselves or their family, how can they genuinely care about anyone else?
If a good person doesn't assert themselves but instead masochistically holds themselves in inert silence, then what generative impact is that supposed good supposed to have?

I get that there are a lot of controlled opposition groups, and you should be wary of them, especially ones directly associated with Isr*el & R*ssia, but there are a lot of lies surrounding that part of history, layers and layers of them.

It goes beyond "Animal Farm", there can never not be a hierarchy, the B*lsheviks weren't ignorant of this. When they say "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others because of **insert atrocity**", they know they're bullsh*tting, they're doing it because revenge & envy are effective impulses for completion of their works, and those with sup*riority complexes are already on the fast track to violence. A lot of the Left is intentionally inspired by the Tree of Death (Kabbalah). They wanted wh chr*stian farmers in R*ssia, not just dead, often worse than dead, and they succeeded. The survivors were then psychologically processed, totally demoralised, and many Human trafficking rings were set up.

People will run to what they perceive to be the path of least resistance, the middle-ground, but the overton-window is already far into Totalitarian Neo-con Civ-Nat territory, which is actually also related to B*lsheviks. People are already becoming accustomed to/ initiated into the "new normal", which is completely totalitarian.
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