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- rinse pennies in rain water, swirl clockwise for intentions of protection/security, seal with black and white wax, put in the corners of the area.

crystals that can't go in sunlight:
fluorite, celestite, citrine, rose quartz, included quarts, smoky quarts, amethyst

crystal shapes and meaning
- tumbled=gentle, even energy
- raw=strong, sporadic energy
- point=concentrates and directs energy
- square=grounding, meditating
- egg= healing, balance
- geode=grounding, internal healing

candle flames
- steady=normal
- tall/bright/gentle flickering=high energy
- small/dim=potential blockages, be persistent
- strong flickering=chaotic energy, be careful

wax dripping
- toward you=earthly world
- away from you=non physical world
- left=past
- right=future

look up grounding, protection methods, cleansing methods, setting intentions, magical correspondances of the days of thw week

love oil
- cinnamon, roses, olice oil (?), rosemary (?)

locking mirrors
- oil (cleansing, like olive)
- make a mudra, first two fingers extended, thumb, pinky, and ring fingers together
- dip the fingers in the oil, draw a sacred symbol on the mirror, chant that the mirror is closed and no one will enter without protection
note: only silver-backed mirrors have the potential to let things through. you can't lock obsidian mirrors because they're used for scrying (very advanced!)

dream seeking charm bag: star anise, cinnamon, rose petals, bay leaves, lavender

lavender oil: no skin to skin contact with the jar or anything! clean ur jar, layer lavender and sage until it's full, add a carrier oil (coconut maybe?) and vitamin E oil, shake once a day for eight weeks

grow comfrey! soak it in water for three weeks and then use it for plants, it's got nutrients

interested deities? tarot
- spread ur cards
- ask if any deities are interested
- upside down is no, right side up is yes
- cups: greek, wands: celtic, swords: norse, pentacles: other

moon water:
- spells for increasing or initiating something coordinate with the waxing moon so start on/after new moon
- spells for decreasing or banishing coordinate with the waning moon. start on/after the full moon
- dark of the moon is controversial! casting or not depends on your practice/which dark deities you work with

sit, back straight, head up/ breathe in and visualize positive energy and light entering through the base of your spine. breathe out and visualize negative energy flowing from your spine into the earth. do this a few times and then breathe normally

get a protective item. cleanse it first!

good beginner spells: love, protection, anti anxiety,

places to get supplies> dollar store, 13moons, supermarkets, herb/spice stores, nature, metaphysical shops

learn to work with your own energy before working with a deity's energy

cleansing options: cedar, mugwort, lavender, juniper, rose petals, lavender, pine, rosemary

protection oil: cleanse ur jar! carrier oil (olive, orobably), star anise, basil, rosemary, cloves, bay leaves. infuse for two weeks ish

learn how to make incense maybe


protection spell: black salt, moon water, paint brush. paint an x on all windows and doors

no more nightmares spell jar: sea salt for protection, rosemary for sleep and mental power, cloves to drive away negativity, chamomile for purification and sleep, lavender for peace, spearmint for protection. grind, put in jar, seal with yellow wax for calmness and peace

SELF LOVE JAR: honey, pink salt, sugar, lavender, pink rose petals, rosemary, seal with pink wax

fae: give gifts like plants, mushrooms, sticks, animal bones. don't eat their food or say thank you! they like milk, honey, bells, and clean water, bluebells, primroses, and ferns. never steal from them

the egg thing! if there are bubbles, your spirit guide or deity has removed the curse. needles is obstacles (self doubt, etc). black/red spots means it's a curse/hex. faces means el ojo. add salt to the water first to purify it

buy herbs in bulk!

shielding! first, ground. then envision your energy going around you in a shield

binding an energy attached to someone: place on a surface with a hole. salt and hair (for binding) in a triangle around the hole with white tealights at each corner. find a glass house of some kind (rock, bottle, etc) and place near the hole in the triangle. add oregano tot he candles, burn them, then burn the binding.

reversing hexes?

black salt: salt, cleansed and blessed. eggshell powder, charcoal, ashes from your cauldron, bay leaves, cloves. grind together

cleaning silver: boiling water, aluminum foil, tablespoon of baking soda, add silver

dressing a candle: cleanse the candle, grind your ingredients, anoint with oil, add herbs

making rusty nails: rub ur nails with sandpaper, add white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts

hexes are used to wish ill intent or bad luck to a victim, jinxes cause discomfort or inconvenience, curses cause direct harm

candle correspondances
monday white
tuesday red
wednesday purple
thurs blue
fri green
sat black
sun yellow

research: undoing spells, familiars, spirit guides, astral projection, shielding, witch jars, sour jars, reversing spells, returning spells, trapping/ridding spirits, shadow work and light work, going through mirrors?? lol, eggshell powder, jacorei tree, wolf's milk/witch's butter, spells (hexes, curses? maybe more advanced)

astral projection ttips: veiling urself stops entities from snatching ur appearance. if something doesn't feel right or you feel like you're bring tricked, visualize your body sending out shockwaves to disrupt illusions. the astral is visualized through the third eye, not the physical eye, so it will feel very familiar/like a memoery! dont get discouraged if it doesn't feel real enough. use protections

graveyard etiquette: greet the guardian, leave an offering like dark bread, lavender, oats, vervain, cornflower, mint, roses, bells, music, alcohol, hardtack skulls, tidying the entrance. no offerings that aid in banishments! ask before taking always! silence ur phone, no new shoes, dont yawn, whistle, or point at or photograph graves. apologize if you step on a grave, say thanks when you leave, leave the way you came.

storm magick splitting the storm! right before the storm starts, go out, get an axe, split a log down the middle. the storm will split and go on either side of you

lemon cleanse: boil lemons, add salt and cinnamon and cloves and lavender and rosemary. bake the lemons at 170 for 6 hours. the aroma is cleansing and you can hang the lemons by doors

get away from me oil: used for annointing, dressing, sigils, etc. for banishings and protection. grind devil's claw root, eyebright powder, dragon's blood, mandrake root, soloman's seal herb. blend in a coffee grinder or smth then in a mortar grind seven times clockwise to charge and add intention. add to a base of olive oil, seal in white wax
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