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I agree that Chamberlain's policy of appeasement was a reason behind the failure to stop Hitler's aggression in Europe. Under the policy, Britain gave in to Germany's expansionist demands, to avoid war at all cost. Therefore, Hitler could attack other countries, such as Sudetenland, with ease and when Britain and France did little to intervene, this made Hitler more daring in his plans to expand Germany. As a result, Germany became more aggressive, and went on to attack more countries. For example, Hitler wanted Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Because of the policy of appeasement, Britain and France signed a treaty with Hitler, allowing him to take over Sudetenland. Seeing that Britain and France did little to stop his plans, Hitler then went on to invade the entire of Czechoslovakia. Thus, I agree that Chamberlain's policy of appeasement was a reason behind the failure to stop Hitler's aggression in Europe, causing Hitler to be more daring in his aggressive invasions against other countries.

However , I disagree that Chamberlain's policy of appeasement was the only reason . The weaknesses of the League of Nations was also another reason for Hitler's aggression in Europe. The World Disarmament Conference, is an example of a failed attempt by the League of Nations to stop Germany's rearmament. Germany thus could rearm with ease, as the League of Nations could do little to intervene in German rearmament. As a result, as German military capability increased, it was more capable to attack other nations. Together with Hitler's expansionist policy, rearmament of Germany allowed Germany to conquer more countries, and hence led to the failure to stop Hitler's aggression in Europe. Hence, the failure of the League of Nations was another reason behind the failure to stop Hitler's aggression in Europe.

In conclusion, I have to agree that Chamberlain's policy of appeasement was a reason behind the failure to stop Hitler's aggression in Europe. This is because Britain and France were more powerful than Germany at that time, and could have easily sent their troops into Germany to disrupt Germany's rearmament plans, like how the Allied forces attacked Germany's oilfields and synthetic oil factories. Because of Chamberlain's policy of appeasement, Hitler was able to attack other countries with minimal resistance, and he did so to several countries such as Czechoslovakia and Poland, hence Germany being more aggressive.
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