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what is up YouTube. In todays video, i decided to go over what it takes to start a gaming channel on YouTube
I know there are literally thousands of videos explaining everything, but I will be going over what I beleive you need for a gaming channel

THIS WILL be multiple parts, but I am starting off with the basics

First and for most, you need to have fun while doing YouTube.
-So many people say this and yet, many people ignore it. If you are not enjoying YouTube and don't look at it as a great way of entertaining people, then your channel won't make it far. People will be able to tell when you aren't trying and just don't care. Now if that isn't you, you have made it to the next step, which is

Having a Computer (preferably a PC) or a Console
-Obviously, you need to have a way of recording a playing games so i recommend buying or Building a PC only because you can get great deals on games, there are more ways of getting games, and screen recording programs can be free on the PC. If you only like console and hate playing games on the PC, you will need to buy a capture card for you Console that is HD and doesn't lag. Now if you can't offord a great Capture card and have to get a non-HD, laggy Capture card, its fine as long as you eventually plan on getting a better capture card and having great commentaries. Which leads us to our next topic

Having a good gaming commentary video
-If your video is low quality, lags, and has bad gameplay, all of it can be made up by how funny or good your commentary on the video is. People dont go to your videos becasue of the games unless the video is just about the game. People go to your videos because they want to hear you be entertaining or informative.

Another thing you will eventually need for your gaming channel is some sort of editing software.
-You will need to edit your videos, add an outro, maybe add a costume intro, also maybe edit clips out and put new clips in. I personally recommend getting Camtasia, it cost $300 but they also give a 30-day free trial and it is great for editing videos, audio, adding new layers to your videos. it also will not lag you computer when it records and it seperates the system audio and you audio file. There is always a link in all our video descriptions that will take you to the camtasia website where you can buy or download the free trial.

Next is having the ability to deal with haters
-We have only had one true hater on our channel and we didn't really care. Hater are normally people who just like being jerks and only have a channel meant for hating. if you get haters on your videos, ignore them or even delete their comments, just know that if you like what you are doing, then it doesn't matter what haters say. Don't confuse haters with Critics. Some poeple wll tell you what they did not like about your video and you should thank them for their support and you should consider what they are telling you.

If you get haters or dislikes or even a bad amount of views or subs, Don't just quit or start loosing faith in yourself and move on
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Regards; Team

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