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classes tuesday wednesday and thursday
[email protected]
complete course and go to dmv
complete a log for hours
counselor puts license in file
cant have more than 10 people driving
know when u need to renew your lisence
don't leave eveicle during pullover
no headsets
everyone has seatbelt
driver is responsible for seatbelts
12 y/o cannot ride in the front
driving around zones
you must yield to veichles in the middle after the light is green
passing om 2 way road way is not allowed
drivers have to yield on railroad crossing
drivers and pedestrians are responsible for the safety
suspension u get it back
revoked ur fucked
u are not allowed to have anything no matter what ur fucked
stop sign is a octoogon yield is triangle
circle is railroad ALWAYS
do not enter square
no turn
bike lane
yellow diamond is warning for whats ahead
construction orange diamond
guide signs
watch out for carbon monoxide breathed in behind a car
always carry insurance

2 day
Parking break and release pull
learn to drive without mirrors backwards

Blind spot
hand positions for speeding
breaking point
wheel lockup
angle parking
perpendicular parking
parallel parking


interstates- 70 mph
citys- -30-35 mph
alleys= 15mph
schoolzone- 20 mph ( during school times )

If a pedestrian gets on a crosswalk all traffic needs to stop
rumble strips are lound and wake u up and slow down to not sleep and crash

just sit in car hand on starting wheel and let him talk first then go tell him your actions and ask him when to move
Be respectful
have a car clean
be presentable don't look like a crackhead'

Distractive driving
No cellphone
food and drinks are really distractive
Pets secure them

10pm-6pm is kurfew
only 1 friend
u have to have 0.00 alcohol in breath

after accident check yourself are you okay
check passengers if they need assistance
check the other car if they are okay
call police
take pictures of license plate if no cooperative
in Chicago if no one is hurt they are not coming


total stopping distance a( how far was it)
perception time ( how long did it take for you to realized what happened)
reaction distance where did you start breaking

seatbelts very important
tires - inflation
check for tires so they don't break

children 2 under backwards
13 under cannot sit in the front and sit in the back
everyone has to wear seatbelts
you only have the right of way if the other driver gives it to you
when you change your lane you check your blind spot and turn on a blinker
take vision driving exam

continuously scaning for hazards
Decide make predictions
Execute hit the break once made a decision execute

look for ranges how far a car is
whats happening with the cars in front of me?

Positions of the road 1 roadway
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#1 #2 #3
Right down the middle
trying to get a better view
For 1 & 2 view

open zone - Space where you can drive without restriction, drive to your line of sight to your intended path

line of sight- The distance you can see ahead of you and what could you see to the sides

Target area- The section of the roadway where the target is located

Field of vision- the are where you can see around you

Depth perception- the ability to judge the relative distance of objects correctly.

Scanning- glancing continually and quickly in very brief fixations through your search pattern

Ground viewing- Making quick glance on the roadway in front of your veichle

Space Cushioning- The area of space all around your vehicle that is free of vehicles

maneuvers- Actions you make wile driving

Closed zone- a space not open to you because of a restriction in your line of sight or intended path.

Temporary disability- you cannot drive

road rage driving with the intent to hurt other people

Types of alcohol******
*Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, also known as grain aclohol
*Isopropyl alcohol, or isopropanol, also known as rubbing alcohol
*Methanol, also know as wood alcohol
*Ethanol, commonly refferd to as alcohol, found in drinks people consume
effects part of the brain in judgement and reasoning

BAC blood aclohol concentration

Drugs and driving

OTC (Over the Counter)- available without prescription
Nyquil- has alcohol
P.K's- u cannot drive its a narcotic

**Street drugs- Often laced with other chemicals
Perscription pills
narcan- reverses effects of an overdose

If you get caught with a drug you will not be able to get a scholarship for college

Stimulant speed up the nervous system

Depressants - depresses or slows down

Hallucinogens- mind altering can be bad losses scences of direction

How drugs affect driving-
OTC- make u drowsy
Perscription drugs- talk to doctor

Cannot carry perscriptions that are not yours and they have to be in the bottle

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