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Hey guys sethly here back with another apex legends video, i hope youre all having a fantastic day. Today we got some good stuff to cover, including a New Server Patch as well as a few other things. If youre brand new to the channel then make sure to hit that sub button and help us reach 120 thousand subs, we are so close, I know you guys can do it. Subscribing is most definitely the best way to support the channel, it really does mean a lot. Not to mention the fact that about onyl 35% of my viewers are subscribed even though its completely free so you might as well sub and join the squad. On to the new patch that was released earlier today. If you recall, there was an update a couple days ago and I made a video covering the changes, including "Fixes addressing Loba's tactical usability on World's Edge." However, they did say that There are still some known cases we're continuing to work on and it should work much better now." Unfortunately, someone pointed out on twitter that after the update her tactical was still unusable all over worlds edge not to mention the problems with her tactical on kings canyon, which are almost as bad as the problems on Worlds edge. Jason McCord saw that tweet yesterday and replied "Yep, we know. Thanks. Heard the server fix didnt take. Team is working on it. Should be faster than last time." So we can definitively say that he is a man of his word because they definitely pushed out a patch with a fix faster than last time because only a day later, earlier today. They tweeted out announcing a Server patch that addressed Lobas problems as well as something else.

They said "Server patch incoming! Today we pushed through a fix with these changes, starting off with improved usability for Lobas tactical on Worlds Edge. Hopefully this time is unlike the last and they wont have to address the same problem twice. But I cant be mad at them for that, especially since they followed up within a day, and every gamer knows how long other developers typically take to fix stuff like this, so all in all we should definitely be grateful for how well respawn listens to feedback and swiftly addresses it. Before you comment saying "but Sethly, Skill Based Matchmaking is ruining the game and they still havent addressed it" or some other form of getting mad at the devs for not doing enough. Just remember, the Fortnite community dont even get patch notes. Epic literally hasnt released patch notes in seasons, at least as far as I know. Suffice to say, Respawn is doing very well especially because they are still working from home which is not even close to ideal. Somehow, it seems they have done a really good job of keeping up the content.

The second thing Respawn said was fixed with this server patch is A bug that allowed Wraith to access her weapon while phasing. If you saw my video from earlier today, I covered that exact bug and how it was added to the dev tracker recently, informing us that they were investigating the issue. Good news is that it looks like they already have fixed the issue. However we do also have to remember that even though they fixed lobas tactical on worlds edge with this patch, there are still certain areas on Kings canyon where her tactical doesn't land correctly, and they are still working on a fix so ill be on the lookout for any type of follow up, that way I can keep you guys informed on everything. Im sure it will probably be fixed with the next update or server patch since its labeled as coming in a future patch on the dev tracker.

There was also a change to the dev tracker that they made right around when the patch was released. I almost didnt notice it but the change is in the section of resolved issues, specifically the previously resolved issue that caused revives to be canceled after revenants death protection wore off. Garza, community manager for respawn, added a note saying "We are aware of a 1st person view issue when death protection wears off with Legendary skins. This shows the user not reviving but they are indeed still reviving.". This is the first time ive heard of that glitch but i can see how that could be pretty confusing. While they didnt state if they have a fix ready and coming to resolve the issue in the near future, im sure we can expect a fix within a couple weeks at the most.

When I first checked the dev tracker before I made this video, I didnt notice one more thing that was different. Luckily I spotted it when I went back over everything. The difference is that they removed an issue that was listed under investigating, i dont recall ever seeing them do this in the past but i could be wrong. Its not labeled as a resolved issue like everything else is when its fixed, its labeled as archived so im not sure if that means the bug is no longer a problem, they couldnt find a fix, or it was already fixed. There are a lot of different potential explanations for it so I really dont know. The bug thats now archived is the one where loading screens and music packs appeared unselected even though they actually were selected. But yea, i thought you guys would like to know about all of that and maybe you can help me determine what it means for a bug to be archived. Comment down below your thoughts, im curious to read what type of explanations you guys come up with.

The last thing that was added to the dev tracker at about the same time the patch came out, is a new problem labeled under investigating. I was super surprised when I saw this because I couldnt believe people hadnt noticed or started talking about it yet. Its basically a secret buff that is the result of a bug in the game thats been in the game since who knows when, my guess is that it became a thing when the event came out. But it doesnt matter when it became in issue, what matters is that its still in the game. The bug causes what can only be called a temporary buff to Pathfinder and Revenant that makes it so they take less damage from caustics Nox Gas. So until they fix this, you guys can play path or revenant and have a decent advantage over enemy squads with a caustic. But Im not saying you guys should go out of your way to exploit and abuse it while its still in the game. However, there is pretty much no way to not get an advantage in a pathfinder or revenant vs caustic situation right now, even if you dont want it.

Thats everything we know about the server patch as well as all the new additions to the dev tracker. But I want to cover a few more things I saw on my timeline that I thought were pretty interesting. Someone tweeted at jason mccord asking if there "Are going to be any Deaf Gaming Community Accessibility updates in the future? Similar to, fortnite's visual accessibility for footsteps etc?" To be honest, I had never even thought about how apex doesnt have any setting to assist the hard of hearing. We do however have settings for people who are color blind. So why not have other settings to assist a wider range of people. Well, McCord replied saying that they were just talking about how they want to do more. Im glad that there are people at respawn, like jason mccord, that have the drive to add new features in the game that will make the entire experience better for everyone.

Lastly I saw a conversation between a twitter user and Jason McCord that I found fascinating and figured you guys would as well. The thread started with jason posting a clip of him playing apex and someone replied asking him what fov he plays on. To my surprise, he replied saying Default FOV. Always Have and always will. Now i dont know about you guys but there is no chance i could play like that and why would anyone want to anyway. If i had to guess I would say most people use between 100 and 110 FOV, which is drastically different from the default FOV which I think is 90. Its no surprise that the person who asked the question replied with a simple Why? McCord responded with some really good points that i never even considered. He said "It's default for a reason. It's what makes the world look right and not viewed through the eyes of a rat. It also comes from a decade+ of making maps. I need to be able to accurately distinguish readability in characters and distance for engagements, and high fov distorts that." and from a design point of view I definitely agree how using the default would make it so you see the game the way the developers intended it to be seen. As well as I can see what he means by high FOV distorting readability in characters and engagement distances. Even though he made some good points, I still wont ever use the default FOV and I would never recommend a new player to, but thats based on my personal experience.

Let me know down in the comments what you guys think about Jason McCord using default FOV and his explanation as to why he does it. If you enjoyed the video, make sure to hit that like button, it really does help me out a ton, and If you havent already, dont forget to hit that sub button and turn on the notification bell. Its the best way to support the channel. But its been your boy sethly, and im out.
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