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Manifesto and Bill of Rights-
Central Office- The Central Office President, Vice President. and Marshall (who would take control of a paramilitary force) shall be chosen by popular vote by the state directors as the representatives of their state's communities, but ultimately the decision lies in the previous 2 Central Directors. They shall elect their own cabinet. A vote of no confidence by the State Directors exceeding 75% shall impeach the Central Office. They shall act as national figureheads and organizers. Doctrine and policy should only be considered opinion of the Organization if the Central Office recognizes it. Doctrine, policy, and cabinet members should be put forth by State Directors. The power held by this office is not issued by the office, it is issued by the Directors who represent the people. Communities retain the right to secede from the Organization or reject any Doctrine or Policy recognized by the Central Office.
State divisions- The State Director shall be appointed by the county director acting as the representative of the county and its communities. They should organize the county directors and serve as the representatives to American State Legislators and Representatives. They can only be removed from office by County Directors.
County divisions- County Directors will be elected by popular vote by communities through a bracket debate system. They will serve as community leaders, organize and galvanize communities. and pass policy and doctrine from the community to the State Director.
Communities- Communities shall be formed by County Directors and should be formed around existing communities of Latinos in Towns and Cities. Communities shall act in the best interests of their community members first. The only requirement of membership of a community is significant Latino heritage and the desire to improve your homeland and nation.

This Organization is established solely for the purpose of uniting Latino people in America and advocating for pro-Latin policies through lobbying and direct representative action. We recognize the cultural and economic stagnation in our countries and seek to leverage our political and demographic power in the USA to benefit both interests. We seek to return our members to a more traditional Latin way of life. Anyone who says this is a conflict of interest and questions member allegiance is either a Jew or not aware of AIPAC. The Israelis get 3.8 billion a year, for what benefit to the American people? If we strengthen ties between American countries, we get access to cheaper transportation costs and a similar unskilled workforce, and we aren't giving money to filthy communists. Win win. If we fix Mexico we will also *probably* get rid of the cartel presence there too.

This Organization and the people under it advocate the following being in the best interests of Latinos abroad and at home-
Stronger bonds between American countries, economically
Fit and healthy Latino populations both abroad and at home
Stronger local Latino communities for the defense and care of Latinos
Political organizations for Latinos which advocate for these things in countries with large Latino diaspora

We recognize the shared culture shared by all Latinos is being eroded by degenerate urban lifestyles. We also recognize that said urban lifestyle puts in jeopardy Latino communities, which we have sworn to protect. Therefore. we shall do everything in our power to halt and reverse the spread of rap culture, juvenile delinquency, and drug use in our communities. These vices have destroyed our nations, communities, and culture.

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Regards; Team

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