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Tip: For best results, use second person. For example, "You fly to the moon" instead of "I fly to the moon".

You are an alien that landed on earth and decided to stay. You now live in the suburbs and want to start a life with the humans around you. You go to submit a job application.

"I am looking for a job."

The human looks at you, "What do you mean?
"I need a job to make money" You say. Wondering if you are doing this correctly.

"Well I have no experience with aliens so I can't give you one, but if you like what you hear then come back later when we meet again." The human says as he walks away.
"You really don't have a job for me? I have skills you know" You insist, knowing you probably need money to get a house. like on your home planet.

The human turns to you, "Sorry but no. You'll have to go somewhere else for that." With those words he leaves the building leaving you feeling a little down.
Feeling dejected, you walk away, you look on your 'cell phone' for the next nearest job agency and go there. "I need a job" You say, trying again.
The receptionist smiles, "Well hello, we don't have any job listings right now, but why don't you have a seat and I'll be right with you."
"I can do that" You say, sighing. You sit down and wait for the receptionist to call your name.
Finally your called, "Yes?"
"You called about a job, correct?" The receptionist asks.
"Yes, is there any openings that you need filled?
You explain that you desperately need a job, you have skills so you can take many positions, anything would work, it didn't matter that you were an alien. "Please, I need money to get a home" You say.
The receptionist smiles, "Sorry but we don't have any job openings right now. But why don't you have a seat and I'll be right with you."
You wait for a few minutes before the receptionist calls you back, "I have good news and bad news for you."
"Can you start with the bad news please?"
You explain that you need money and a job immediately.
You ask the receptionist what the bad news is that she has for you and she says, "We had a major fire earlier, all the jobs are gone and won't be returning."
"Okay... What's the good news?" You ask, rather alarmed by this news.
"Well the company I work for is a new company that just opened, it's an interior design company and we are low on workers right now. What do you think about becoming an assistant?
You clap your hands happily, "That sounds perfect! When can I start?"
"Well, we are just getting started so you won't be doing anything important for a while but it'll give you an chance to learn before we start filling orders."
"That's great!"
"That sounds great! Here's my phone number, What will the job entail? What should I prepare for?" You ask.
"Erm, just to ask you some basic questions about your taste in furniture and design. Then you can take the information and go out and buy what you said you needed.
"Alright, what are the questions?"
"What kind of furniture do you like? Do you prefer natural materials or are you into the futuristic look? What about color, is black your favorite?
"I like the more futuristic look, reminds me of home! I like monochrome colors like black and white with bright colored accents."
The receptionist nods, "Okay, I'll let you go then. If you get bored just come back and ask for a different job, we don't have many right now."
"I think the Interior Design is the perfect job right now! Thank you so much!"
You walk out of the building with a spring in your step, a new job, money and now an interior design career. You head to the nearest furniture store and buy as much as you can carry.
Realising you dont have a house, You think you may have been a little too enthusiastic. Where are you going to keep all this furniture? Luckily it is still summer so you are able to set up an entire apartment with no issues. You just need to find a place to live.
You send in an application to an affordable apartment building to see if there are any vacant apartments you can move into. You wish you could live in the suburbs but the big city will have to do for now.
While you are moving in, you are approached by a young girl selling flowers.
You put down your furniture and greet the girl, "Hello! Those are some very pretty flowers you have there."
The girl beams, "Thanks! Would you like one?"
You chuckle, "Well I did come here to buy furniture not take flowers but it is a nice gesture. What's your name?
Against your better judgement you decide to take a single flower, "How much will this be? Also, What was your name? I didn't catch that."
"My name is Caroline. The flowers are free but the price of the rose is five coins.
"It's lovely to meet you Caroline. I hope you don't mind if I take this lilly, It's beautiful!" You balance the flower on your furniture stack, "I must be going now though, I'm moving into a new apartment!"
Caroline's face falls, "Oh. Well I hope you like it."
"I'm sure I will!" You give a little wave then head to the front desk to pay for your items.
After paying you head to the location of the apartment building you're renting in. You are apprehensive to see what it looks like.
As you walk towards the building, you see that it's actually in pretty good condition. You ring the doorbell and are greeted by a smiling woman behind a desk.
You greet her, smiling. "Hello! I'm the new tennant moving in today!"
She smiles back, "Ah, welcome back m'boy! So you've brought a roomie with you too? You can sign in together then."
"Oh you must be mistaken, I'm moving in alone. And I've never been here before! You see, I'm an alien, I'm new to this planet." You pose and give a silly look.
She stares at you for a moment then bursts out laughing, "Oh I'm sorry sir, we're not that desperate for rent! Come on in and make yourself at home!"

> You say "Oh.. Does that mean you won't be renting to you?" You ask nervously."
She smiles at you, "Don't be silly, but we are a little picky about our tennants. So you better make sure you get it right."

> You say "Oh thank goodness, I'll do my best to be a good tennant!"
"I have a feeling that you will, m'boy!" She smiles.
You take the stairs two at a time and get to your new room which looks nearly identical to yours except it has a bunk bed.

> You say "It's uncanny how much this looks like my room back in my home planet! This is lovely!"
You quickly unpack and put your things in order then get ready for bed. You go to the window and look out at the sun, "Goodnight, Earth!" You say out loud before heading to sleep.
You wake up the next morning and look out the window. Mulling over yesterday's events you feel excited. You check your phone to see if you got any updates from your new Interior Design job and see that you got a new message. You rush to read it.
'Hey, do you think you could do my house? My interior decorator is being an idiot and I need a renter fast. You're an architecture student right?
You respond quickly, "I'm a student in many things, including architecture! I'll head on down in about an hour if that's okay. I'll do my best!"
She responds quickly, "Perfect! I'll be expecting you."
After showering and getting dressed you set out for your new job.
Heading down the stairs you see the receptionist again, and give her a wave. "Good morning miss! Thank you again for renting to me at such short notice!"
She smiles at you, "You're most welcome, and please just call me Jean. You head on into the living room and you'll see the house manager, Tom."

> You say "Oh thank you Jean, I'll go talk to Tom right away!"
Tom is standing near the wall and has his hands in his pockets. You've never seen a butler act like this before, but then again you've only ever seen butlers in movies.
You walk up to Tom and say, "Hey there, good morning! I'm the man you've hired to redecorate your master bedroom right? I'm here and ready to get started."
He looks up from his contemplation of the floor and looks at you, "Yes, you are. That's all I need from you today.

> You say "Excellent, What are you looking for here? what theme or vibe?"
He gives a nod, and you know you're ready to get started. You both begin your tour of the house.

> You say "Oh this place is lovely!"
You begin to notice a strange vibe emanating from this house. It's as if something doesn't want you to see its true beauty.
After the tour Tom asks you some questions about yourself. You give honest answers, but something about him doesn't seem quite right. You can't quite put your finger on it, but he makes you feel uncomfortable.

> You say "Say Tom, do you live here alone?"
His face drops, and he gives a quick headshake. It's obvious he wants to lie to your question, but can't bring himself to do it. "No...but something doesn't feel right about you."

> You say "Honestly? I've been feeling the same about you. What's going on in here? I'll tell you the truth about me if you're honest with me first, since this is your turf"
Tom locks eyes with you and his face shows a genuine look of fear. You think you know what's going on.
"STOP!" You shout and put up your fists.
"No! If you want me to stop, you're going to make me!" He backs away from you and you can see him pulling out a set of keys from his pocket.

> You say "I don't know what's happening! I promise, You don't have to tell me anything! I'm just the interior decorator, I swear!"
"Shut up!" He says, walking towards you.
You feel your head getting whipped around and see blackness.
In the next moment, you're in a dark room. You feel pain in your head, but decide to stand up to look around. In the middle of the room is a single chair. It's in the shape of a spider, with eight legs. You notice the blackness getting closer and closer to you.
You shake your head and activate your Alien dark vision, backing away from the dark mass and trying to see what it is.
You are now able to clearly see that it is a man, but not human. His skin has a greyish tint and his eyes are black, like the inside of a cave.

> You say "You're a vampire!!!"
The creature ignores you and continues to approach you, getting closer and closer. You try to run out of the room, but can't find the door.

> You say "Please, I promise, alien's don't taste good! I'm an alien! See! We're not so different!"
The creature stops in his tracks and looks at you. It begins to walk towards you again, and you feel your throat getting closer and closer to being crushed.

> You say "So uh... are we good? I promise I mean you no harm"
The creature's eyes narrow, and it lets out a low growl.
"I've been waiting for you.

> You say "Me?"
The creature looks around and approaches you, whispering: "Follow me."
You are lead down a spiraling staircase and deeper into the earth. You run into some stairs which are too narrow for the creature to fit.

> You say "Do you want me to go on ahead without you?"
The creature shakes his head and continues to descend the stairs.
You run into another stairway going in the opposite direction and decide to go down this one.
You are terrified but quite as much as you were moments before. You follow the monster quietly, wondering what the hell happened to bring you to this. You just wanted a job and a home and to live a normal life. You begin to wonder if you've lost it all.
You hear a loud growl and stop in your tracks, wondering if you should run or hide.
You turn around and see the creature staring at you.
You feel your heart stop for a moment, you can feel your pulse throbbing through your veins as you stare back at the creature. You still have your night vision on but for some reason you can't see much. "What's happening now?" you whisper to yourself.
You feel the air grow colder as the creature begins to approach you. "Please, I'm no threat..." You begin to whimper as it stands above you.

> You close your eyes.
You hear a growl and the creature is suddenly upon you. It grabs you and slams you up against the wall. You're unable to move and are frozen in fear.

> You say "why?"
The creature's face is inches from your own. It stares at you for a moment, and then releases you.
"Because I'm a predator. You're a prey."

> You say "then you know nothing about me. I did mention I'm an alien right?"
"It's not you I'm convinced of. It's your kind. You're too greedy, too violent, too.., too much."

> You say "I just want to live a quiet life, maybe have a family but really, I just want to practice my hobbies and have a yard and garden and maybe some day go back to my home planet"
The creature raises an eyebrow, looking a bit confused.
"You have a home planet?" it asks.

> You say "As I said, I'm an alien. I enjoy gardening, writing, fishing, ect. I landed on this planet a few days ago and have been trying to get myself settled and then all this happened."
The creature seems to think for a moment.
"If I was on a small farm I would probably be scared, but here? In this huge galaxy with so much space I find it hard to be scared."

> You say "You have no idea how big space is. I've seen it. It makes me feel small. Which is why I just want to live my life to the fullest"
"Hmm, I'm betting you're an explorer at heart."
The creature seems to ponder this for a moment, then looks up at you and gives a nod.

> You say "So uh. are we good now?"
The creature gives you a quick nod.
"Yeah, it's all good now."
You quickly take your leave and descend the stairs. You run into a man who you've never seen before. He is wearing leather armor, and a sword is by his side. You're not sure you trust him yet, but he looks like he's on your side.

> You say "Okay serious what is this world I just want to live in the city and work a normal job what the hell"
The man, whom you now notice has a beard and mustache, though it's hard to tell because of his facial hair, nods.

> You say "Thats not an answer"
"It's a question."
"No it isn't, I asked what the hell and your reply was nonsense"
"Well I guess it is and isn't, what do you think?"

> You say "Look im not in the mood for riddles I just almost died and I want to talk to my employer about what just happened because I'm not sure this is the job for me anymore, just, I don't know who you are or what world you're from but I'm going home."
The man smiles, then gives you a nod.
You leave the man behind, wondering what just happened to you and still shaking from your encounter with the monster. You finally make it back to your apartment and step inside, eyeing Jean. "I just had a very strange encounter. Please don't tell me you're secretly a cryptid too." You say.
"Dude, I'm not reveali-" Jean begins to reply, but you cut him off.
"Do you hear me? I'm not talking.

> You say "You're not revealing? Miss, that makes it sound like you're hiding something. But whatever. You've been nice to me so I don't care. I need a nap."
You lay down on your bed and close your eyes, drifting off to sleep. You wake up in the middle of the night with a start, unsure of what's going on...
Well it's a girl.

> You say "Hello???"
There's no reply, just the sound of the girl breathing. You can't see her, as she's sitting in the darkness of the apartment.
"Is someone there?" You ask, and immediately wish you hadn't. The silence just grows longer.
"O-oh... Right." You stutter out, as you realize that you've just made a complete fool out of yourself.
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