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once upon a time a kid named tate shaw went to a school called North Star. he had a girlfriend named Ebbie. at first there love was amazing, but to tate, it kinda started to get old, and he was loosing feelings. soon, this new girl Payton moved from California to Idaho, and ended up going to the same school. turns out that her and ebbie used to be best friends. tate showed payton around the school, and they became friends over the next few days. payton kinda got feelings. tate invited her to sit with him at lunchone day. payton was so excited. then tate sat down next to ebbie, and put of knowhwere, ebbie leaned down and kissed tate. payton was crushed. she quickly left and went to the bathroom. after a few minutes, she left, and on her way out she ran into a boy named Jackson. her ex. they used to be in love before payton moved to California. they both seemed shocked. . but before anything could be said, tate came from around the corner and asked if payton was ok. then payton said she was, and followed tate, but looked back at Jackson for a split second. payton sat down at the table again. then ebbie started making fun of payton, and tate, broke up with her. tate and payton started to become best friends, but tate secretly grew feelings for her too. but both didn't know each other liked one another. they hung out all the time, but one day, her and tate were playing video games in tates room in the dark, and they sat real close, then payton said something funny, and tate laughed and looked at her, and they were super close, and they were both staring into one anothers eyes. then tate slowly went in, and then kissed. it lasted for 2 seconds until they let go. they both wernt sure about it. then they went in again, and kissing turned into making out, and making out turned into touching. since tates parents wernt home, payton ended up staying the night. in the morning, they woke up snuggling on each other. the next couple of days they were officially together. everyone at school including ebbie were surprised. one day, payton was running in from outside, and on the way in Jackson just stepped out of the bathroom, and once again, payton ran into him, and they both fell on top of each other on the ground. payton put her head up, and was about to get up, but the sight of jacksons blue eyes cought her attention. she couldn't stop staring into them. she didn't know why, but something was forcing them closer and closer until they were seconds from kissing, but suddenly dom saw and took a picture before anything could happen. then both of them stood up and explained but dom posted the picture on the grade chat. tate saw, and got upset, and they almost broke up, but payton explained everything, and everything was fine again. Jackson and payton started becoming friends, and he became apart of the friend group and everyone liked him a lot. one day in the cafetiria, brady dared tate to make out with me, so he did, and Jackson looked inconsolable. he was about to cry, but he left outside. payton felt sad, and worried for him, so she followed him. it started raining outside. Jackson was sitting at a table in the mini gazebo. payton sat right beside him. tate, saw payton go after Jackson, and he felt suspicious, cuz he knew there history, so he secretly followed them. he saw them sitting together, and he tried to find a spot and listen. Jackson had tears in his eyes. he said he was sorry, and that he really missed me. she said she missed him too. then both started crying, and then Jackson hugged her. they hugged for the longest time. Jackson wiped the tears off her face. then they decided to finish that kiss. they leaned In slowly. jacksons hand on her face. they made out. tate was heart broken. he videod the whole thing. Jackson started to move his hand to her waist. payton moved her hand in his hair. then after a while, they let go, and decided to go back inside and tell everyone, and for payton to break up with tate, and tell him that shes in love with someone else. tate snuck in through another door. brady, dom, kyle, eli, johnny, grey, carmen,mand evan were headed outside. by the doors, payton told Jackson how glad she was to be with him again, and they kissed, and everyone came outside the doors and saw them kissing. brady said, "wow, payton are u cheating?!". everyone was shocked. payton explained everything and how she was always in love with Jackson, and how they used to date. tate came inside crying, and seen everyone outside. payton told him what happened, but he showed her the video, and how he was watching. payton didn't know what to say except that she was sorry. tate went home, and didne respond to payton whenever she tried to talk to him. but after a few days of trying, payton finally got tate to be ok again, and they were all friends. mostly. Jackson and payton were the best couple in the grade. they did everything together, and held hands, and acted super amzing. tate was still upset. it was tearing him apart. the next couple days tate disappeared. he ended up moving and met a girl named becky. payton found out and started crying in jacksons arms. she felt as if it were all her fault. a few years later, payton got pregnant with Jackson. they had a baby boy named Luke. in the end, they got married and lived happily ever after. and ebbie and brady got married, and so did carmen and grey. dom became the godfather for luke. evan, kyle, and eli got married to each other. and all of them were friends forever. luke had prettly blue eyes from his father, and her moms pretty hair and lips. he grew up to be a famous actor.
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