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International Freight

Person1: In a worry mood on how to ship in various items from the UK

Person 2: My brother why are you thinking what’s the problem?

Person 1: I have some items to ship to Nigeria for my parents and I don’t know know how to go about it.

Person 2: Don’t tell me you’ve not heard of, they are trusted, affordable and reliable. They are your go to name when it comes to freighting your items from the UK.

Person 1: (feeling excited) I never knew this, thanks for this great information. How do I start using their service?

Person 2: Just login to and click on international freight. It’s that easy and seamless.

(Then a general voice explaining intl freight. ) offers interactional freighting of items from the UK at affordable prices. We guarantee you safety and time bound deliveries. Choose today.

Shop Globally Online.

Perosn 1: With his calculator trying to calculate flight fee for a round trip to and fro the UK and his expenses and checking it out with his bank account and it’s not tallying, then feeling depressed.

Person 2: Ah, Jonathan what’s wrong with you?

Person 1: (I get some shopping to do for UK o ) cos Na quality I want but this price ticket they break my budget.

Person 2: Na that one they make you feel sad? Have you not heard of Where you can shop from the comfort of your home in top UK shops and get it delivered to Nigeria, easy and fast. Simply log on to and create and accountants starting buying from the UK.

3 Africana Clothing.

Person 1: (dragging with person 2) I’m not giving you this Adire,

Perosn 2: please now, I’m begging, I don’t know when I will go to Nigeria again.

Person 1: same here, that’s why I’m managing this one I have.

Person 3: what are you people managing, you can get the perfect adire of attire sewn to your size and fabric of choice and get it delivered to you door step in the UK. Ask me how now?

Person 1 and 2: How now?? Both laughing.

Person 3: Ok first visit, navigate your Africana,pick a fabric or style of your choice, choose your exact measurement place your order and wait for you cloth to be delivered. It’s that simple.

Person 1 and 2: are you serious, I’m trying it out right away.

Person 1: to person two, you can have this adire, I’ll order more from

Person. 2: Thank you o and thank you

4:Seller Listing.
(Sell all your unwanted items )

Perosn 1: Finding space to keep one more item, and feeling confused.

Person 2: why is your house so jam packed and filled. Why not make some cash from this items you don’t need again.

Peroson 1: How do I do that?

Person 2: simply log on to. and create a sellers account, take pictures of your used items you’re letting go and they are gone before you know it.

Person 1: wow, I never knew of such a service, but who handles the shipping to the buyer?

Person 2: also handles the logistics part. So you care you can let go of your unwanted stuffs and still make cash from it. Easy and seamless

Sell as Bundle Items:

Person 1 - Mom: I’ve a lot of unused items littering around how do I even make cash from it

Peroson 2- Daughter: Mom have you not heard of, they even let you sell out in bundles, just pick your items like 3 shirts and two trousers as the case maybe and sell it off as a bundle.

Person 1:- Mum:- really? let’s make some money, go bring all the unused stuffs we have in this house
Perosn 2- Daughter: Alright mom

General voice: You can sell all your items on either as a bundle package or single package. Please log on to to begin.

Sell unwanted items and donate proceed to charity.

Person 1: (thinking) I have got a lot of used things and I don’t know who to give, I’ll love to sell them and give the proceeds to charity or someone in need.

Person 2: Have you not heard of They let you put up your used and unwanted items for sale and also help give all or a percentage of the proceeds to a charity of your choice.

Person 1: that sounds interest. How do I begin?

Person2: very easy, log onto, create a sellers account, list your item(s) select a charity of your choice, select the percentage and it’s all done.

Person 1: thanks for this great information, I am gonna try it right away.

Order Assist

General voice: Do you know you can shop from top shops in the UK , US, and Europe all from the comfort of your home and enjoy a whopping discounts, mega offers of up to 25% off and automatic VAT Relief. It’s so easy and seamless with this simple steps.
(1) Simply log on to
(2) Create a customers account
(3) Start browsing products and buying on the go.

Wholesale Purchase

General Voice: You can now make wholesale purchase directly from the UK and overseas to your local shop simple and easy by using wholesale category to order items and get it shipped to your preferred destination, easy and fast.

Person 1: This is great news, now I can get quality items for my customers easy and convenient. you’re the best.

Buying cars from the UK

Person 1: (Begging a Nigerian dealer to reduce the price of a car) Oga please now let me pay 5.2m for this car

Dealer: No it’s 6 million last and I get for 7m I am only removing 1 million for you.

Person 1: Oga Haba, how can a corolla 2010 cost that price does it come with fuel for life?

Dealer: if you’re not interested please don’t bother me.

Perosn 1: (feeling sad )

Person 2: Johnny what’s the problem?

Perosn 1: I am trying to buy a car from this dealer but his prices are so expensive and other dealers too

Person 2: Have you not heard of Where you buy cars directly from the owners without the involvement of a third party. Make huge savings buying cars at affordable prices and let handle the shipping and documentation while you clear at the ports.

Person 1: How safe and reliable are they?

Person 2: is safe and reliable, they are a fully registered company with location at House, No 65B, Abba Johnson Crescent, Akora Villas Ikeja.

Take advantage of our special discounts and mega discounts offers at over 25% discount sales.

General Voice: Now you can take advantage of our Special discounts and mega discounts on variety of products on its easy and convenient to shop and enjoy this discounts. Simply log onto and start shopping and enjoying this discounts.
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Regards; Team

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