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Evolution and our church teachings
Where do Humans come from? How did nature and everything start to exist?
Evolutionists believe that the universe started to exist for no known reason!
However, our church teaches that the universe was spoken into existence by God's words.
Basically- Science says the universe came out of nowhere. However, at the same time stating Matter cannot be "created" nor destroyed?
When talking about evolution there are two types of evolution.
Macro and Microevoluition
Micro- observed process where life forms experience limited genetic variation that allows them to adapt to and survive.
Macro- adaptation into a new type of life form- (apes-to humans)- our teachings don't support this!
Science is not the only way to know something is true.
There are other ways to decide things are true-
1. intuition- "gut feeling"
2. deduction- reasoning/logic
3. experiment- repeatedly verified
4. revelation- told to us by others/ historical awareness and evidence

God revealed himself to humans- God spoke to mankind through nature (the material universe) by using reason people can comprehend God's existence.
Secondly, we know the existence of god through "natural law" or known as the law of the heart- How do we know that its bad to kill someone.
Thirdly through church fathers

Where does everything come from? Do you think everything that begins to exist has a cause?
Basically there needs to be a cause for something! Things just can't pop out of anywhere!
The Law of cause and effect- for every effect that we see there has to be a cause that created the effect.
Design has a designer
Creation has a creator
Romans 1:20
Psalms 19:1
Moral argument (axiological argument)
if god dis does not exist then objective moral values would not exist
objective moral values do exist
therefore god exists
if there is no morality then what compels us to do good or even defines for us what is good to do?
if humans are not naturally moral and if they are genetically determined, how can they be held legally or morally responsible for their behaviors?
How do you explain miracles? You basically don't they are out of science they are out of nature in addition miracles dont happen very often.

Does science explain or prove how humans or a baby child loves their mom? How do mothers love their children more than other human beings? Love, hate, anger are real feelings but you can't prove them.
They don't matter or energy! Just like that God is neither matter nor energy. He can only be known and experienced.
Both Atheists and theists start with faith-
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