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Bill Cooper is an anti-wh*te Libertarian Civnat who believed the lie that J*ws are who they say they are and therefore deserve special privileges, he believed in the infantile rainbow dream of multiculturalism and reinforced many historical lies/ smears.

You may think "oh, they killed him, therefore everything he said must have been true" but they k*ll their own people all the time, they k*ll their sl*ves all the time, they can't k*ll someone who God is protecting for a purpose.

Freemasonry is T*lmud*sm & K*bbal*h for gentiles, and it's not the only secret society beholden to the main core of the chosen*te cult.
Many 'chosen*tes' are useful idiots but that doesn't make them innocent, just like useful idiot wh's aren't innocent.

Most of them fanatically assist & protect the core at the expense of other groups.
Ultimately, even if there are a small minority that self-reflect on the possibility that what they're fed is not true, and that their people may have some responsibility for how they were invited in and kicked out of so many places, they will probably never accept the whole truth.

Look into Sefton Delmer's atrocity propaganda campaigns.
Consider who support & push lies, and who actually wants to tear them down, no matter how uncomfortable the truth may be.

The global finance system of usury & exploitation, as well as corporate monopolies in all industries are not trifling matters, symbols and fables do not take precedence over them.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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