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I miss you school seeing the vids its made me think how I should feel I just want to play games in school yard family hide and seek mostly will charlotte Shelby Abigail Cerys Lacey its a hard time during this corona virus everyone not doing homework I know its hard but lots off people die off the flu a year but this one its not bad but no seeing friends and grandads nans and no going to like cinema and all that stuff seeing every morning coronavirus resent news I know its are summer break (no work) we have to deal with this big time I wish a happy birthday to Shelby lacey Cerys Charlotte soon we will see each other its hard to just go for daily walks in this corona because am always in when school has stop till corona I could not get out with my computer I got school makes me have way more ones am in the gates off the school y head turns on all day sometimes ;.; And that's it all day and I come home have tea and maybe go for a walk and on fortnight all night if its a Friday are sat but like if am in the game mood I stay up all night on a sun>day and this corona came more game sleep and eat I don't like it but I cant stop because its like that I cant go out but I can but social diss and am like no school for nearly till next year and I don't switch on lots off people do that its hard to switch on when there no school but tomorrow I am going to do more homework maybe facetime a few my friends and a few game of Minecraft but thanks to the NHS who save are lives and if you don't know what NHS is its hospital and thinks that makes you better but not just hospital way more and think off the cleaners off schools we can make this corona virus if we try some people don't listen to this news what are prime > minster says is we listen to him we might save this hard during time just if you want to have a sort day just do this get up do your teeth have breakfast and do you homework maybe after walk your dog (if you have one) if you don't just go for walk and drink water go for a work out maybe after make your own song and when you all fresh and ready maybe it might be dinner time and when you have time go on you phone are Xbox are PC are Ps4 are watch telly who just play with your dog :) and if you could and if your bored but loud music on and party on your own are if you want a (sister) (brother ) Mums and dads who ever you want :)play bored games there is lots to do like when am writing this am listening to Kenny rogers are dojo cat do what you want just make sure you stay healthy its healthy and stick to the rules


may 25th 3.19
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Regards; Team

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