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There aren’t that many of these, so I thought I’d make one. Keep in mind that there are like 600 of these (300 English m/m), so I’m mostly going off of memory here. There’s a good chance I like your work even if I forget to put it in here, especially since I don’t read as much fic as I used to. I just wanted to put out my personal opinion for egotism’s sake. Works in italics are especially good. Before I forget, some of these stories refer to the New Years incident and its consequences, so if you don’t know what that is, avoid those stories.


Craving More Than You're Given by Doopstory (Legosi/Louis): The quintessential Legosi/Louis story. Fluffy, sweet, long; it’s got everything. Just know that as it goes on it becomes more and more concerned with mimicking canon. Also, there’s a bonus smut story if you’re so inclined. Refers to the New Years incident.
Just Dumb Enough to Try by Lombardi (Legosi/Louis): When I was but a new Beastars fan, I sorted stories by word count. Most of the time, it didn’t help much, but it did lead me to this story. To be honest, despite the grammar mistakes, I still regard it fairly highly. However, also know that this story rarely updates. It doesn’t have much in the way of plot, so it doesn’t really matter though. Refers to the New Years incident.
Salut d’Amour by Doubtfuldeer (Legosi/Louis): Solidly written, though it hasn’t updated in a while. It’s an orchestra AU based on Your Lie in April.
Chocolate Hearts by FatDragonLair (Jack/Legosi): There is so little Jackgosi. So little of it. It’s a crime. This story is cute, and I like it. Someone read it and be inspired to write Jackgosi.
Over There by Big_Hairy_Stallion68 (Legosi/Louis): It’s pretty good, following an alternate take on what happens post-Riz that leads to Legosi and Louis running away together. It’s still being worked up, but I’m a fan. Refers to the New Years incident.
Elementary by jswoon2 (Jack/Legosi): It’s a simple story, but it’s very well done.
Beauty and Beast by FatDragonLair (Legosi/Tem): This is the only work I’ve seen that makes Legosi autistic, which is a surprise since it seems like a lot of people headcanon him to be so. The story doesn’t really go anywhere, but I included it for its novelty.
Horsin' Around on Cherryton Ranch by wileyeehaw (Legosi/Louis): This story’s a horse racing AU (essentially, horses do track and field, but it’s treated like our horse racing). It’s pretty cute, especially with its southernisms.
pavo christatus by SatyrSyd37 (Dom/Kai): This story is pretty simple, but it’s cute, well written, and I liked it. It’s also one of the only Dom/Kai stories, so I would recommend it.
Handling His Regrets by SilverPunkDragon (Legosi/Louis): This fic focuses on Legosi’s guilt for what happened to Louis during the New Years incident. It’s simple, but very cute. There was a sequel, but that was abandoned. Refers to the New Years incident.
a love so tender only known through words on parchment by elkieistrying (Legosi/Louis): It’s simple and fluffy. It uses letter-writing as a framing device, so if your thing is characters writing down their romantic feelings: voilà. Vaguely refers to the New Years incident.
The New Waiter at Cherryton by peachie_teaa (Legosi/Louis): This story is simple, but it’s pretty cute. It’s a coffee shop AU where Legosi waits Louis’s table.
Good Company by Lombardi (Legosi/Tem): An extremely cute Legosi/Tem story. Mind the typos, though. Refers to the Riz incident.
muted emotion by sushishorts (Jack/Legosi): This story is more Jack dealing with imprinting than Jack getting with Legosi, but the category is underwritten and I liked this story. Might refer to the Riz incident.
Protector by BiconNigini15 (Bill/Pina): There’s criminally few Bina fics. I rarely read them, but this one is pretty decently written (even if I did skip a good 15 chapters).
Hold on tight by Nyctolovian (Kibi/Tao): As of writing this, there are 3 Kibi/Tao stories. That’s ridiculous. This one is very short, but cute.
Moonrise (A Beastars Story) by Cinna Writes (TML_Writes) (Legosi/Louis): To be honest, I haven’t read it, but from what I have read it seems very good. It’s more novel-y than most other entries here, so read it if you’re so inclined.
The Lion and The Antelope by Iantheforlornwriter (OC/OC): Surprise OC story. It’s the best OC story I’ve read, and it updates very consistently. There is technically a sex scene, but it’s written in that non-detailed literary way, and there’s also just a touch of gore.
Between First Class and Third Class by Superduperl (Legosi/Louis): I’m including this story for two reasons. 1: I played a small part in revising/editing this work (I say small because Superduperl is the most stubborn friend I’ve ever had), and because it’s very original. It’s a Titanic AU, which, funnily enough, is how I now know the plot to Titanic. Give it a read if you’re so inclined.


Legosi Tops by omnic (Legosi/Louis): All I’ll say is that I reread this story much more than I am willing to admit. Read their other stuff too.
Secret Lovers by Zeuspower6 (Legosi/Louis): Pretty light and irreverent, but I enjoyed it well enough. Zeuspower6 also has a decent collection of Beastar fic; I just chose this one because it’s my favorite of theirs.
The Wolf Trap by surveycorpsjean (Legosi/Louis): Just like Moonrise, it’s a novelistic story that I haven’t fully read. However, from what I did read, I liked it a lot. It also has smut in it as a bonus. Post-canon.
Fangs by Brothaigh (Legosi/Louis & Legosi/Jack?): This story seems to be going somewhere, but it hasn’t updated in a while. It’s an AU where the characters and setting at the same, but nobody’s met and Legosi has a normal job. Only one sex scene early on, so if you don’t feel like reading a potentially abandoned story all the way through, there you go.
Guess You’re Apart of Me Now by Butterfingers69 (Legosi/Louis): Usually, I tend to avoid stories that focus on the icky/shonen parts of Beastars (vigilantism, predator/prey dynamics, eating people) which might make me a bad fan (a charge of which I am guilty), but it also might have prevented me from reading a story like this. To be clear, this story only deals with that in terms of the lengthy discussion the characters have about their post-New Years relationship, so it was palatable to me. Very well done; I’m a big fan. Also, Louis is a trans man in this story, fyi. Refers to the New Years incident.
Gaffer Bias by BeAggressive (Bill/Kai): Very odd pairing, but the story’s pretty cute. It’s a sequel to another work which is just as good. However, you have to be signed in to read them. Also, the story might be abandoned. Might refer to the New Years incident.
Soft, Cream Fur by blackoutdays by (Jack/Legosi & Collot/Jack): This story is weird. Very weird. Read it if you want to read something weird. Vaguely related to the New Years incident.
Feelings by yay_for_absurdism (Gosha/Yafya): Easily the best written Gosha/Yafya story I’ve read.
Dorime 🙏 by frymyrisole (Legosi/Louis): This story is pretty light and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a fun read. Also, it’s an AU where Legosi is a priest.
A Royal’s Scent by Cutiefemdom (Legosi/Louis & Jack/Louis): This is one of the fanfics that I look to to compare my own work to. Although it has little to do with Beastars (it’s a royal AU that’s loosely based on Beastars’s characters), it’s very well written. I would recommend the rest of their works, though know that most of them are purely smut or revolve around fan fiction tropes (soulmates & A/B/O).
Howling Lady by vidoxi (Legosi/Louis): This story is pretty well written and pretty hot. It’s an alternate take on when Legosi meets Louis in the bar that one time. Legosi stays cross-dressed the whole time, btw. Refers to the New Years incident.
We're Only Animals by NilesTheWhiteTailedDeerQueer & Doopstory (Legosi/Louis, Bill/Pina, & Dom/Kai): This story is the behemoth, the titan of AO3. It’s excessively long. It is defined by its length. To give you an idea, it’s approaching Infinite Jest, and it’s only on Book 2. Jesus. If you sit down to read this one, block out a good chunk of time. Refers to the New Years incident.
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