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Bang tries to convince Saitama to give him a one-day vacation. Saitama makes him work for it.

Bang steps lightly into the apartment he reluctantly shares with Saitama. Anxiously, he strips himself of his jacket, shirt, pants, and underwear. In their home, Bang isn't allowed to wear clothes, and the punishment, as he unfortunately found out when he rebelliously tried to watch TV with a sweater on, is to be fucked unconscious several times over until every piece of furniture in the living room is covered in come, with his own body soaked in his own spend.
"S-Saitama?" he asks hesitantly. As he steps into their room, he unconsciously places a hand over his limp cock, then revolts and snaps it away. Saitama had made it quite clear that he wouldn't tolerate any attempt from Bang to hide his body. Just a week ago, he had punished the poor old man by perching him onto his fat cock and plunging into his prostate until it felt swollen and numb.
"Yeah, old man?" Saitama sneered. His eyes dragged lecherously over Bang's nude body, and the old man fought the urge to curl into himself. Saitama usually only took that as a sign that Bang needed to be fucked even harder.
"I wanted to talk to you about something," he muttered. "Well, it's been over a year since you made me your, um-"
"My slut?" Saitama says cruelly. Bang cringes slightly, the shame still creeping up his spine at the thought of his debauchery.
"Yes," Bang says slowly. "And I was wondering if it wasn't about time that I got a break." He stared hard at the floor, his cheeks burning, and tried to seem submissive. It was humiliating, having to humiliate himself every time he asked something of Saitama, knowing he had no way to resist, but it was his life now, and he coped best he could.
Saitama shoved him forcefully against the wall and placed one gloved hand on Bang's cock, stroking it until it hardened. The old man squealed helplessly, writhing against the much younger man in a vain attempt to escape. Even now, he still didn't want it, and he supposed that was part of the appeal for Saitama, but he just couldn't help it. He couldn't understand why a young, incredible man like Saitama wanted an old, decrepit man like him, and he felt so very ashamed and low whenever Saitama forcefully took him no matter how many times he already had.
"You think you deserve a break?" Saitama asked lustfully.
Bang nodded desperately. "Y-yes! I, I just..." Before he could truly start communicating his argument, his speech became nothing more than an incoherent mess of screams and groans as Saitama's hand trailed across his hardened, sculpted abs and stuck one finger into the old man's tight ass.
"You'll have to work for it," Saitama said. "Hey, old man, you were a martial arts master, weren't you? Give me a lesson."
Bang shivered, but reluctantly nodded. He had given Saitama "lessons" before, but he didn't think Saitama got anything from them other than how Bang looked utterly fucked out, senseless with unwanted pleasure and covered everywhere in come (but he had already seen that so many times before).
"Come on, master," Saitama crooned mockingly. "Teach me."

"And what is this pose called?" Saitama asked.
Bang screamed and twisted, body slick with sweat and come. He was currently pinned beneath Saitama, his muscled body barely able to so much as twitch as Saitama plunged his cock in and out of the old man's ass.
"St-stop, Saitama!" Bang shouted helplessly. "Please, let's go back to the pose I was showing you-"
"But I like this one so much more," Saitama whined. He squeezed and teased Bang's erect nipples with one hand as his other grasped the old man's weeping length and forced orgasm after orgasm out of it. "You look so handsome, master."
"W-why, Saitama?" Bang sobbed out. "I can't come again!"
"Come now, master," Saitama said playfully, "you underestimate yourself." He squeezed Bang's cock with near-painful pressure, and the old man yelped out as another stream of come shot out and covered his face and sculpted pectorals with a watery fluid. His cock convulsed violently, but nothing more came out, and an intense pleasure gripped his entire body. It felt a little like a bad muscle cramp, but instead of pain, Bang felt only overwhelming pleasure, overriding his senses, making him boneless and mindless. He felt so incredibly ashamed - here he was, a lecherous, pathetic old slut, unable to even control his own body, reacting like a young virgin to every touch to his body.
"Show me the next position, master," Saitama said. Bang cried out as a bead of pre-come slid out, joining the pool in the curves of his abdomen, his flawless, muscled body trembling with pleasure.

"Come on, master, where's your discipline?" Saitama scolded him. Bang was currently forcing himself to hold still, his body straight and taut with untold pleasure, only tiny whimpers escaping from his mouth. Saitama wrapped around his body like a snake, teasing every single one of his pleasure zones and forcing more orgasms out of the old man than he could count.
Saitama's entire fist was plunging in and out of Bang's ass now, slick with his own come. One particularly brutal thrust turned Bang's vision black and white, and he let out a throaty groan as he collapsed onto the floor, his muscled, come-covered body slumping against the carpet.
"I guess I should've expected as much from a weak old slut like you," Saitama muttered as he bent down and resumed fisting the poor old man. Bang squeezed his eyes shut and sobbed through his next orgasm.

Bang didn't know how much time passed, but it must have been, at the least, a few hours. Saitama kept insisting Bang teach him, and each time, he corrupted Bang's posture or moves by fucking him in them, forcing him to remain still as the young man fucked and ruined him in every possible configuration Bang knew.
Then, the door opened. Bang cringed and cried out in pleasure, his cock twitching through a dry orgasm, when Genos walked through the door.
"Master, where have you been?" the cyborg asked. "I've been trying to reach you for hours!" He looked at Bang with pure disgust, and the old man flinched away in shame. Once upon a time, he had been worthy of respect, of honor. Now, he was but an abused slut, with no value to anybody.
"There was an accident, you fucking old slut," Genos sneered derisively. "A man got a sprained ankle. Do you understand? It's your fault for distracting Master with this ridiculously hot body of yours." He began squeezing both of Bang's dusty, sore nipples, and the old man cried out anew. While Saitama thrust in and out of the old man's abused hole, Genos began ruthlessly playing with his front, teasing his nipples, jerking him off until he was actually crying, fondling his abs with no remorse.
"Don't worry, Genos," Saitama said with an evil grin, "I'm sure this old slut will be happy to repent for his mistake by serving every person affected by the incident."
Bang groaned and managed to, for a moment, retain enough consciousness to beg the both of them to please stop, and to remind Saitama of the vacation he was trying to get. Saitama simply ignored him.

"I-I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused," Bang gritted out. He was kneeling, stark naked and still partially covered in his own come, in front of a crowd of about 40 people, all of which eyed him with distaste.
"This old slut would like to apologize," Saitama said smugly, "by attending to each and every one of you for an hour." He nudged his foot against the old man's oversensitive cock, and Bang released a helpless groan.
A man at the front stepped up and self-righteously declared, "I was almost a minute late to work because of you, you useless old man! It's all your fault, not even being able to stop this admirable young man from forcing himself onto you and fucking you senseless. This is the least you can do." He shoved Bang roughly onto the ground and began unzipping his pants.
"I'm sorry," Bang muttered quietly.
"Shut the hell up," the man grumbled. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be more than just sorry."

By the 10th person, Bang was nearly unconscious, having already blacked out multiple times. As the 10th victim stepped away, Bang's come-stained, utterly debauched body falling to the ground once more, the next victim stepped up - a kid who looked like he had barely just reached puberty.
"N-no," Bang cried out. "Don't, please. You're much too young, you shouldn't be seeing any of this-"
"Fucking slut," the boy jeered. "You've just been violated and raped by multiple people, and you're worrying about me? I get you're senile, but that's beyond retarded." He jerked off first, staining Bang's wrinkled face with come. The old man cried out hoarsely as he then bent down and sucked the old man's cock into his mouth.
"Jesus," a woman in the crowd whispered, "he really is the worst of the worst, isn't he? He's even letting a kid rape him."
"It's okay," her friend said. "He's getting what he deserves right now."
Bang screamed furiously as another orgasm rips through him, a scream forcing its way out of his sore throat.
"Are you honestly getting off on this?" the kids asks cruelly. "Jesus, you're a pedophile too? Could you get any worse?" He pressed his shoe against the old man's flagging cock, and Bang let out a helpless, pitiful whimper.
"S-Stop, please," he whispered. "I'm sorry, but I- I don't want this. You can stop now. I understand everything you've seen so far must have been very traumatizing, and I'm so sorry for that, but you can just stop now."
The boy rolled his eyes. "As if. Old sluts like you need to be taught a lesson."

When the dust has cleared, and all forty people have forcibly fucked Bang, he lies in a giant pool of his come, both his and those of complete strangers. His eyes have rolled into the back of his head, some combination of saliva and come leaks out of his mouth, and come and sweat pour down the angles and crevices of his well-sculpted body.
Saitama walks to his side and spits on him. Bang flinches as it lands on one of his pectorals, mindlessly curling up into himself in a vain effort to protect himself.
"Slut," Saitama spat out. "You did terribly, but, since I'm such a magnanimous master, I'll grant your request and give you tomorrow off."
Bang sobs out his gratitude, but Saitama, ignored by his blubbering, sees fit to punish him by fisting him through another 10 orgasms.
Finally, Bang passes out. He lets out one last whimper as his eyes shutter closed and he falls to the ground, muscled body still and limp. It's obviously a very good opportunity to chest fuck the old man.

Bang sighs, sinking into his chair. He is currently at a spa, figuring that, after all the abuse he has endured, he deserves a massage. Fearfully, shyly, he insists that he keep his clothes on during the process, and after some eye-rolling, the masseuse agrees.
He settles into the comfortable massage bed and allows his weary, exhausted body to fall limp. As the masseuse begins massaging his clothed back, he lets out an accidental groan, and his entire face flushes with embarrassment. He apologizes profusely for the noise, but masseuse dismisses him.
"Whatever," he says. "Old sluts like you can't control your reactions."
Bang froze just as the masseuse slid a finger underneath his shirt and began fondling a pectoral.
"N-ngh!" he utters. "N-no! Stop!"
"Shut up," the masseuse sighs. "Honestly, what were you expecting, parading around like that, going to a spa, even? Obviously, I'm going to exploit you."
Bang could escape - even though it's been over a year since he's fought, he could still easily beat this man down and run away. But the thought of hurting another person, of enforcing his power over another, seems so wrong and evil that he simply can't. He only moans insensibly as the masseuse forces a dildo into his muscled ass, his skilled, slender fingers running along and teasing every curve and angle in his body. His entire body is alight with unwanted pleasure, and it doesn't take long for him to orgasm, a hoarse cry tearing its way from his throat as his cock spurts come all over the inside of his pants.
"Already?" the masseuse says. "Jesus, you're so fucking sensitive. Well, you're getting your money's worth whether you want it or not." His hand not occupied teasing Bang's nipples and chest slides down and grabs his wet cock, jerking it as a myriad of cries and screams pour from Bang's mouth.
"N-no, stop- god, please!" he pleads helplessly. The masseuse, of course, doesn't.

Bang stares shamefully down at the floor, though he feels grateful to be clothed again, as the masseuse sighs and washes his hands.
"S-so, 2000 yen, right?" he stutters out, frightened that the man might decide he hasn't had enough and force Bang down again. He pulls out his wallet and hands the man the money, but he only scoffs.
"Are you kidding?" he says. "I spent two minutes longer than I was meant to attending to you, and now my hands are sticky. I'm going to need a lot more."
Bang feels his cheeks heat up as he pulls out his wallet again and thumbs through for more cash. Of course, of course - it was his fault, coming here and expecting the man to not force himself onto him, he deserves compensation. He hands the man another 10,000 yen, but the man's sneer remains.
"That's it?" he repeats. "Fucking old slut, you're the one who let yourself get raped!" He shoves Bang against the nearest wall, and the old man cringes and stares down hard at the floor.
"Obviously, since you're not getting it, you'll have to repay me in another way," he says. The masseuse unzips his pants. "Get working, slut."

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