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Victorious - EP ONE S1
here we go ladies
okay, this is from Jade's perspective this time, so this'll be interesting.. I may need to go to her wiki to get an idea of her family situation first...
okay, distant family,, she has a stepmum who she doesn't get on with. I get the vibe she stays with her mother, and maybe spends weekends with her dad.
She's very violent and aggressive to cover up an internal fear of rejection. She's mad jealous of everyone else because she is dealing with a lot of self-doubt and hatred due to her sucky dad and distant family. She does have some good traits too though, she's brave, has moments of morality she clearly believes in following through with things and although she will be underhand with minor things, if it's serious she will be nice. She struggles so much with express feelings especially cause her father and family appear super distant. She has a secret love for knitting and thrifting clothes (that's what she uses her scissors for..) as well as making art while listening to rock music. She definitely loves a whole variety of music but prefers soft/hard rock, bedroom pop and metal to an extent. She prefers gothic style clothing and spends way too much time drawing/fantisizing about living in a castle, and buying clothes that look gothic. She secretly reads vampire fiction...
She holds grudges, but around Tori she begins to learn the importance of forgiving and letting go. She improves a lot after hanging out with Tori, she lets go of fights, learns to express affection more openly, and to become more empathetic..

okay,, character arc gonna basically go like
bitch - less of a bitch - pretty okay - in touch with emotions
it's going to be inspired by Tori arriving, but will not require Tori fixing her, she has to realise these sorts of things on her own.

jade would probably be working on something for the showcase, but to be honest I may not focus on that.. may just head to the day before the showcase. She would watch backstage as the whole debacle followed by the trina/tori switch. She's going to catch tori instead of andre in a kinda 'woah there, you're supposed to be on stage' cause that'd be real cute ya know.. she would think that tori would pretty good, even if her dress was tacky and not really to her style, probably think she'd some stuck up pop star type and try to ignore her. jade would arch an eyebrow at tori being admitted. 'I wouldn't say crazy talented..' jade would slink off home at that point thinking about the performance but ultimate dismissing it. She'd arrive at school, do the usual stuff, probably hear cats convo and then talk to her about tori. jade would then spot tori and beck and feel immediately pretty jealous. she wouldn't know how to process the jealousy and inadequacy she feels with tori and beck so she'd just channel it into anger... send tori to the hall, she'd feel slight remorse at how terrified tori looked and then immediately regret feeling like that after tori flubbed the dog improvisation. she'd argue with beck about that during the whole tori andre scene. she'd probably head home after school and chill with some more sewing/listening to music, ignoring her mum who would ask about her first day. She'd get frustrated with herself for yelling at her mum and crawl into bed, blaring bedroom pop.

Next day! Jade would be pretty surprised that tori had come back,, probably be quite annoyed that she didn't just go away like all the other problems she'd face with aggression. She'd see Beck's face and immediately feel jealous again, not necessarily because of beck but because she feels like she'd have lost status if she broke up with him.. she knows that they have a pretty messed up relationship but doesn't know how to leave it,, She'd stare at tori, immediately wondering what she's up to.. Jade kisses beck to try and show that she is in charge ya know.. but inside she'd kinda be worried that she was losing beck. she'd feel kinda childish for doing all this stuff, but doesn't know quite how to cope... until it explodes in rage.... oh nooo... and then she'd completely lose it over the fact that tori n beck kissed.. she'd feel really betrayed.. and spend the rest of the day trying to cool her head off, realising that tori got under her skin more than anyone else ever has..

EP 2 S1
Jade would probably hear that tori was trying to go for the main part, she'd try to ignore her but finds herself unable to completely focus on her locker. Then walks past, sees her helpless and can't resist saying 'need help?' before storming past with no regrets. she'd then have a conversation with beck, probably an argument about tori. she'd hear the piano music, before leaving beck behind to go to class. she'd arrive early and have a short conversation with sikowitz, he realises before she does that her and beck aren't right and that she should be with tori but only gives a light lecture about being kinder. He then gives her the role as the country lady seen in the ep. she'd feel a flare of protectiveness at cat being hurt. she'd sit alone and think about what sikowitz wanted to talk to her about. cat would arrive saying sikowitz threw the ball at her again! and confirm what jade wants to know. sikowitz tells them to act as angry Englishmen. jade would watch intently, expecting her to fail because she'd been through it too, she'd grin at tori's confusion but feel a bit of empathy cause she's had to deal with sikowitz as well. she'd discuss with beck the bird scene and they'd laugh at how she reacted. she'd feel a temporary satisfaction at having the sensation of being a step ahead of tori, all while fervently ignoring the part of her that wanted to just leave it be. she'd eventually hunt tori down and leave a paper with a small bit of advice, convincing herself that it was only going to make her angrier and more frustrated with a p.s that sikowitz likes coconuts. she'd smile to herself knowing that tori was gonna fail again, but also feel annoyed.. how much longer was it going to take for her to clock on to sikowitz's mind games? she wasn't that stupid.. right? she'd watch beck interact with tori and laugh somewhat at his declaration that he had nothing to hide. she'd eat lunch with cat, maybe discuss how her dad is supposed to be in town the next day or something.. she'd wonder what on earth was up with andre and robbie before focusing on tori, she'd want to laugh a bit.. she'd worked so hard for this... it was almost admirable.. almost. she'd even clap lightly.. not too hard but secretly. she'd want to laugh at tori's impression of an old woman, thinking it was cute that her glasses were askew but would remember that kiss... she couldn't even come up with an insult, and allowed beck to take tori with them to lunch.
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