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Phil lang.
Philosophy of Language: The Central Topics
bits of The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language… (Paperback)
Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction
Philosophy of Language By Scott Soames
Bits of Philosophy of Language By Alex Miller
SEP on definitions
Language and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language

Inductive Logic
SEP inductive Logic and SEP on confirmation and IEP on induction and confirmation (2 days)
An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic or (Argument and Inference: An Introduction to Inductive Logic) or (A Logical Introduction to Probability and Induction) (3 days)

Bits of choice and chance, Lectures on Inductive Logic, Induction, Probability, and Confirmation, Bits of Abductive Reasoning By Douglas Walton, Bits of Abductive Reasoning: Logical Investigations into Discovery and Explanation by Atocha Aliseda, (1 day)

A brief into Swinburne's two books on G (1 day)
An introduction to confirmation theory and Justification of Induction (1 day)
"On the Logic of drawing History from Ancient Documents especially from Testimonies"
Bayesian Epistemology, Bayes' Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis (2 days)

Deductive Logic
SEP deductive logic
Logic, Deductive and Inductive
First 100 or so pages in An Introduction to Symbolic Logic By Langer
Bits of A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Add Pruss' Actuality, Possibility and worlds to "Ontological Arguments".

Contingency Arguments


Four decades of scientific explanation
SEP on explanations
Necessary Existence
“Insufficient Reason in the ‘New Cosmological Argument’”
God, reason, and theistic proofs Book by Stephen T. Davis
“The Classical Islamic Arguments for the Existence of God”
On the nature and existence of God Book by Richard M. Gale
The Puzzle of Existence: Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
The Cosmological Argument: A Research Bibliography
Rundle, Bede, 2004, Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing?
Van Inwagen's chapter in Metaphysics


Works by alex pruss (, Kenny Pearce, Hempel and Oppenheim, Peter Adamson on Ibn Rushd, Al Farabi, Avicenna, Robert koon, John Hick, Craig, Richard Gale, Timothy O'Connor, Graham Oppy, Howard Sobel, William Rowe, Joshua Rasmussen, Wes Morriston, Michael Martin, JL Mackie, Quinn, Philip, 2005, “Cosmological Contingency and Theistic Explanation”, Quentin Smith, Nicholas Everitt, other names in old To-do List.

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