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1-Master Magic Reflection, reflect magic back at its caster. Low cost and cooldown.
2-Master Resurrection, be returned to life after death. Resurrect instantly at full health. Can be done 7 times a day.
3-Intermitten Improved Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience combined. Passive
4-Intermitten Super Luck, user is luckier than most people, good things generally happen to them and bad things rarely do. Random chance will always tilt towards their favor, and any attempts to make bad things happen to them are more difficult, as the user's luck continuously tips towards their benefit. Passive
5-Expert Quantum calculator, perform mental calculations at inhuman speeds. Passive
6-Master Master Parallel Existance, exist in multiple universes and have a shared concious among those parallel versions. Passive
7-Beginner Void Manipulation, the ability to manipulate the lack of existence. This field encompasses the control over things that essentially don't exist, such as voids or even being able to manipulate nonexistence itself. Poor control and high drain.
8-Master Nig-Omniscience, know almost everything. Passive
9-Expert Beserk Mode, a condition where they are able to immerse themselves completely in combat by completely ignoring all rational restraints, thus gaining a major boost of strength and combat capability in the process. User's physical characteristics are increased significantly. Their attacks become faster, stronger, as well as becoming unpredictable and relentless in their pacing.
10-Expert Illusion Creation, can create powerful illusions on a large scale. Good control and low drain.
11-Master Mystic Werewolf Physiology, werewolf with the ability to use magic. Incredible power on both fronts. Weaknesses are still there but very small. Can transform freely. Nearly unstoppable during full moon.
12-Expert Space-Time Aura, release and surround themselves with space-time energies for defensive and offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities. Can open gates within the aura or redirect attacks.
13-Master Devil Mode, enter a state which allows devil-like abilities, skills and traits with demonic capabilities and powers that transcend all of the users basic limits whether physical, spiritual, mental and so on. Ability Transcendence, Absolute Combat, Absolute Condition, One Man Army.
14-Expert Electric-Fire Manipulation, create, shape and manipulate either electrified fire or both fire and electricity simultaneously. Good control and low cost.
15-Master Life Extension, if the user kills someone, that person's lifespan will be added to the user's.
16-Expert Primordial Magma Manipulation, can create, shape and manipulate lava/magma of an ancient primordial nature, the same magma that makes up the cores of planets. As opposed to regular Magma Manipulation, users of this power are deities, avatars, or living embodiment of magma. As such, they can cause natural magma-related effects such as lahars, volcanic eruptions, lava flow and to manifest. In many cases users of this power will be able to override other forms of Magma Manipulation as magma is the domain of the user. Good contro and low drain.
17-Master Energy Darin, can drain energy from individuals or objects. Can drain physical energy from a target or group, making the affected physically weaker or causing them extreme fatigue, while gaining their strength and stamina, even to the point of death. Perfect control, no cost.
18-Expert Weather Magic, Good control and low cost.
19-Expert Empathic Armor, create an armor that only they can use, enchanced physical abilities and several resistances, mind hax immunity, low cost.
20-Master Sealing Slash, combine various sealing effects/forces to attacks with bladed weapons. Low drain and perfect control.
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