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1-Master Binding, mentally restrict of imprision others. Incredible power, large quantities, perfect control and no/low drain depending on effort.
2-Master Grass blade, create sharp stabbing or cutting tools out of grass. No drain, tougher than steel.
3-Master Flash Step, move using a speed burst fast it seems like teleportation. Perfect control and very small cost.
4-Master Stasis, temporarily freeze time. Perfect control, very low drain, can do it for 5 min at once.
5-Intermitten Magic Annulment, cause all magic to become ineffective when within range. Decent drain and short range (5 m)
6-Master Aura, Users of this power are able to increase their natural abilities, attract and repel the aura of others, sense the aura, and project it. Life Force Manipulation, Healing, Telepathy, Explosion Manipulation. Perfect control and very low cost.
7-Master Statistics Amplification, enhance the powers of oneself, these boosts are usually temporary and are specific to one or a number of statistics. Perfect control, huge boost and low drain.
8-Master Accelerated Development, users of this ability are able to improve upon their natural abilities, as well as the ones that they are trying to learn at an accelerated pace. Strength, speed, durability, and stamina can grow at an accelerated pace Mental capabilities are able to advance to the point that their intelligence far eclipses that of a normal human, or their learning capabilities increase to the point that they can learn things at a much faster rate. Incredible potency and passive.
9-Master Size Manipulation, manipulate the size of anything and everything, ranging from tiny to absolutely gigantic. Perfect control and low drain.
10-Master Water Manipulation, create, shape and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to others. Perfect control and very small cost.
11-Master Meta Ability Creatin, create any ability without any limitation and bestow it upon themselves, as well as others. They can notably create enhanced versions of existing abilities or specific countermeasures for any of them, and accumulate an unlimited number of abilities without any side-effect. Users can even take it further and thoroughly customize a power, like designing a power to only harm a certain thing or activate after a certain condition. Perfect control and low drain but can't create omnipotence.
12-Master Life Force Release, use their own life-force energy as a power-up ability for the user's body and spirit, and even preserve their life if ever injured or on the verge of death. Limiter Removal. Perfect control and low drain.
13-Master Yin & Yang Magic, magic related to the aspects of yin-yang, allowing them to mystically control complementary/opposing powers.
Light-Shadow Magic, Solar Magic, Lunar Magic, YinYang Separation/unification and Thermal Magic. Perfect control and low drain.
14-Novice Elemental Aura, release and surround themselves with elemental matter and energy for defensive and offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities depending of the element. Yin&Yang, light and dark. Poor control and heavy cost.
15-Master Child Prodigy, able to perform them at the level of a highly trained adult in a very demanding field of endeavor. Passive
16-Master Smite, strike their targets with a far superior force/blow, usually resulting in a One Hit Kill against almost anything. The amount of power capability used in this ability is absolutely unlimited, merely preparing its use can induce fear in opponents. Perfect control and low cost.
17-Intermitten Life Weaponry, create and wield weaponry with power over life force, which grants the user a wide variety of life force-based abilities. Decent control and deent drain.
18-Novice Magic Invisibility, Poor cotrol and heavy drain.
19-Master Primordial Nothingness Manipulation, create, shape and manipulate nothingness of an ancient primordial nature, or the nothingness that existed before the existence of the universe. Absolute Destruction, Nothingness Removal, Erasure and Null Energy Manipulation (an energy that can delete anything/everything it touches, transcends concepts such as time and space and renders nearly all powers that comes in contact with it useless.) Perfect control and low cost.
20-Master Archangel Physiology, the highest of angels. Transcendent Angel Physiology, Divinity, Holy-Fire Manipualtion, Wing Manifestation,
Holy Powers, Divine Powers, Healing, Omni-Magic, Divine Presence, Submission and Supernatraul Beuty etc. Perfect control.
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