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h3h3 really did fkd it up by bringing up the cases against keem without knowing the context or blatantly ignoring it.
Smile4youtube was a criminal that was swating multiple people even those that were not youtube creators.
The old runescape man is no longer mad at keem and they even liked each other to the point where they had personal telephone number to each other and keem even helped him out in runescape on many occasions. Why did h3h3 brought super old drama up to live that has been settled very well and painted in false colors i dont know.
Why h3h3 used old videos on keemstar opinion about mental health issues that are no longer a part of him? Like he is implying people cant change their opinions, thats fk up. Can we have a context of what happened before he said the stuff about the depression? Because i am highly convinced that he was saying it after acknowledging celebrities that faked their depression for internet clouts and this change the message by 180 degrees.
Why did h3h3 was implying that keemstar was a cause of etika death, despite Etika closest family saying otherwise AND EVEN ETIKA HIMSELF in his LAST VIDEO cheered keemstar that he liked him and even called him his "friend", why did h3h3 made 15 minutes of bragging about it, when his statement is so freaking wrong that is cringe?
If so many things are wrong in h3h3 video then i dont even want to know how wrong and manipulative he is in the rest of his video.
Really i cant understand people still believing in h3h3, that man changed for worse, majority of his video has been proved fake and straight out manipulation, by cherry picking evidences of something that happened many years ago.
I know keemstar has a ton of enemies, and he is not the nicest person in the world, but lying and manipulating to such a degree and even crossing the line of a good taste by using someones death is sooooo fked up that is beyond my level of understanding.
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