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MB967641My bets have not been payed out and its been 6+ hours

Chat started
MB967641Bet Ticket: #93141144
Jovan joined the chat
MB967641Bet Ticket: #93137216
Bet Ticket: #93137216
JovanThank you for contacting Customer Service. My name is Jovan, and it will be my pleasure to assist you today.

I apologize for the delay.

Thank you for the information, Courtney it will be my pleasure to assist you with your wagers, are you able to wait a couple of minutes while I check your account?
MB967641Thanks for being so attentive
I understand
yes you can wait a few minutes
JovanWhile I work in your request, let me remind you that we are giving up to $200 for every friend you refer to us. Tell your friends to register through the link, and when they sign-up they will get a 50% welcome bonus (10-time rollover). We will give you 250% up to $200 (5-time rollover) on your friend's initial deposit.

Thank you. I will be right back.
Thank you for waiting. I apologize for the delay.
We are still working on your inquiry; are you able to wait a couple of minutes more?
MB967641Yes I am
JovanThank you. I will be right back.
Thank you for waiting.
I already submit your request your account will be updated as soon as possible.
MB967641Ok great, what time you think/
JovanIn the next 20 to 30 minutes.
Thank you very much for your patience and your understanding.
MB967641Great, yes of course
Thank you
JovanMy pleasure.

Courtney, besides that Is there anything else that I can help you with today?
JovanBased on the experience I have provided you, would you click on Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down to rate this chat?
Chat rated Good
JovanThank you for your feedback.
Comment submitted
JovanIs there anything else that I can help you with today?
We noticed that you are still logged into the chat. Is there anything else with which I may assist you?
MB967641That's it, thank you
JovanMy pleasure.
Have Fun and Good Luck!
Thank you for making your preferred choice for online gaming! Again, my name is Jovan and it was a pleasure assisting you.
Jovan left the chat
Chat rating removed
Comment submitted
MB967641Hello, I am contacting support because my account was compromised while I was away from my desk. I downloaded something I assumed was from a friend because it had came through a trusted channel, but when I cam back from having dinner this evening, I noticed someone was controlling my computer remotely that I did not authorize. When I went through my browser history, I noticed that my email, social media, online banking and MyBookie accounts were all accessed by the perpetrator and I see that they made $300 or so in bets using my account before I was able to return and shut down my computer. I now know both my friend and I were compromised by a rootkit which he verified using VirusTotal and MalwareBytes as he is a professional in the IT industry
Ben joined the chat
BenThank you for contacting Customer Service. My name is Ben and I'll be assisting you today.
Let me verify your account first so I can assist you with your account inquiry.
May I have your account number or phone number associated with your account, please?
Thanks for assisting me today
Nice to meet you Ben, I'm Courtney
BenThank you for your account details. I hope you are doing great Courtney.
In the mean while I am working on your request, do you have any other questions or concerns that I might be able to assist you with?
MB967641Hope you're doing well, also!
No I am just focused on getting the funds that were wrongfully used, credited to my account
BenMay I please have the wagers ticket numbers that you didn't placed?
MB967641Yes, theres thousands of them, all in Casino
Can I send you pictures or
BenLet me inform you that after reviewing your account we have verified that the only access to this account has been with the device you are contacting us at this moment.
MB967641these are partial of them
BenThere is no activity besides that one.
MB967641the rest around 125 ish or so I can get for you
BenAnd the player is responsible by protecting their own account, password, access and or downloads.
MB967641Yes this is becauase the person who accessed my account was remotely controlling my computer to do so, using the Rootkit
BenOur truly apologize for what happened to you. However, from our part there is no adjustment than can be done since the player is responsible by protecting their own account, password, access and or downloads.
MB967641I'm a loyal customer, influencer, and if this issue were resolved would weigh greatly influence my opinion on the platform as a whole.
BenWe appreciate your business and loyalty with us. However, no adjustment can be done from our end.
MB967641I'm close with @anonymousgamblr (the head odds maker at My Bookie) as well
Ben, this does not seem fair to treat a customer with extreme dedication to the site
Surely there is something you can do
I have 180,000 Youtube subscribers that all follow me for gambling
BenLet me contact my manager to see if there is anything we can do for you today. Is not a guarantee that an adjustment will be given but let me request the courtesy in your behalf.
MB967641I have worked with AnonymousGamblr and he has given me multiple free play amounts of money in order for promotion
Thank you, I would appreciate any compensation you're able to give
BenCould you please wait no more than 2 minutes while I work on your request?
MB967641Yes, no problem
If this works out, I will use my 30,000 Gambling based Twitter following to shoutout your live chat support being excellent and above and beyond
BenThank you so much for the time waiting.
MB967641No problem at all!
BenMy manager is reviewing your account at this moment, are you able to wait for 2 more minutes?
No problem
If needed, @AnonymousGamblr who's the head odds maker at MyBookie can vouch for me.
BenThank you so much for the time waiting.
MB967641No problem, thank you so much for working so hard on this
BenLet me inform you that after reviewing your account our management team will not be able to honor or credit back any amount due to a action done by the player that affected your personal account.
We kindly invite you to protect the privacy of your own information and account by not downloading anything from unknown sources.
My apologies but player the is responsible of protecting their own account, password, access and or downloads.
MB967641I love mybookie, but I would hate to go on Twitter with 30,000 gambling followers and have to speak my honest truth about this extremely negative experience
The same compromise could happen to anybody, happened to me and lost me around $300 and I'm great with computers
BenWe appreciate our customers loyalty and we appreciate your understanding.
We appreciate your business with us. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
In order for me to assist you further, are you with me?
MB967641I've spent thousands on this site as well, and there is form of consolation I can receive? Just $300 taken away from me for no reason? I love speaking highly of your customer service and live chat but this experience wasn't what I expected from such a site like mybookie, and especially to someone who's friends with the head odds maker
Mainly I've done 4 promotions for mybookie and only spoke positive on my Twitch with 25k Followers and 30k gambling twitter followers, I love this site, this is just not what I expected at all
BenThank you so much for all the information you provided and for letting us know about this. However, it was not our site error and that is the reason why no compensation applies.
We truly appreciate your business with us.
MB967641I understand if you can't give back the $300 or so cash, but I'd even accept $300 free play or $150 free play or $100 cash, just some sort of consolation so I can only speak highly of mybookie
Could you please ask your manager about that? Or have him on chat?
I even have my own special code with my bookie because we work together and I've done 4 promos at least, I preach that the support and live chat is good, I don't want to hinder that
BenFor me it would be a pleasure to add the funds for you. However, your account was already reviewed by our management team and no compensation will be given since it was an error outside MyBookie account.
MB967641Even a small $50 or $100 free play would make me still tweet positive about mybookie
I don't want this to be something that seperates our work we've done together and are planning to in the future
BenWe can invite you to make a bitcoin deposit so we can give you a 100% bonus with 10x rollover.
MB967641I've done that 3 or 4 times already, $300 or so was just stolen from me, I'm not looking to deposit right now. I'm looking to receive full or at least some sort of compensation whether its cash or free play.
BenMy apologies no compensation will be given since the error was not at our end.
MB967641I'm sponsored by my bookie and we work together, and compensation isn't possible? I've advertised mybookie 7 or 8 times on Twitch with 25k followers, and at least 3 or 4 times with ALL gambling followers on my twitter (30k)
BenWe appreciate all of the great sponsorship you have done.
There will be a great opportunity for us to make business in the future.
MB967641Thank you, the head odds maker noticed how much power I have in the gambling scene and selected me to promote my bookie and be sponsored, so getting treated like this with no compensation, even a little, is surprising
BenHowever, at this moment we are not able to add any free play due to your account been compromised for something that you did in error.
My apologies if a compensation was not approved.
Do you need assistance with something else?
MB967641I want to continue to recommend support and live chat on mybookie and the site in general but if somebody who is sponsored and partnered with my bookie gets this.. well
BenWe appreciate your business and sponsorship as well.
MB967641I fixed my account being compromised, you can add free play
Thank you but your manager clearly does not
BenThe error was not at our end, and your account was already verified by our management department and no free play can be add.
MB967641Why can't free play be added? Even though $300ish cash was stolen from me
BenMy apologies is your account was compromised. Your are responsible of protecting it at your end and we are responsible of protecting it at our end.
And we are doing our part by protecting it.
MB967641so should I talk to your manager or something because I don't want to advertise mybookie to 55,000+ gamblers if this is how the support is right now
Ok, the account is secure now
BenI truly sorry if this situation happened to you and my manager is already aware of it.
MB967641Please undo the protection
Thank you
Thanks for being so kind as well
BenWe invite you to do not download unknown sources.
My pleasure Courtney and thank you for your business with us. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Based on the experience I have provided you, would you click on Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down to rate this chat?
Rate this chat
MB967641Yes it won't happen again
there is something else
can you please
make it so my account is not protected, it is fully in my control
so that I can receive free play bonus if I referr someone
all malware has been removed and it is all safe
BenYour referral bonus can be given at any moment once we confirm the referral and the security of your account is not associated with it.
MB967641is my account locked in any form?
or is it back to normal
like i can receive free play, deposit, play games, etc
just like a normal account
BenWe appreciate our clients and we do our part, you can be sure that on our end you are fully protected and your account never has been locked, you are more than welcome to make a deposit and receive great bonuses as well.
MB967641Ok great, so in no way is my account any different than an hour ago?
BenCorrect, your account is normal as always has been.
BenIn the meantime you can reset your password on line as well.
MB967641one last question
Ok I will do that
one last question
Could you expodite this payment?
Bet Ticket: #93137216
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