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+Demand = istek, talep
Despite the economic crises,there is a huge demand.
I am sorry ı cannot meet your demand.

+Encounter= Karşılaşmak,Rastlamak
The government has encountered strong opposition to its plan to raise income tax.
Did you encounter any problems ?

His voice sounded threatining. ADJ
He threatened to kill us. VERB
The country under the treath of war. NOUN

+Predominantly (adj),predominant(adj) = mainly ,main = temel
The city's population is predominantly Irish. The city's population is mainly Irish
Dancer has a predominant role in this performance. Dancer has a main role in this performance.

+Collapse=Failure of smt.
The building collapsed after 9/11 attack
We cannot stay here.The roof is about to collapse!
Will our civilization collapse one day ?

+Subjective = Öznel +Objective = Nesnel

+Extensive = Kapsamlı,büyük
The earthquake in Hokkaido caused extensive damage.
The flood did the village extensive damage.
His extensive knowledge surprises me.
Extensive resarch is being done into this connection between the disease and poor living conditions.

The teacher had to evaluate all the students.
It is difficult to evaluate his ability.
There are many things which we cannot evaluate in terms of money.

+Tremendous(ADJ), Tremendously(ADV.) =Enormous
The earthquake created a tremendous sea wave.
The river look like a tremendous snake [from the view of sky.] İYİ BİR KALIP.

+Perceive(Verb),Perception(Noun)= Algılamak, Algı
How do French perceive British ?
These photographs will affect people's perceptions of wars.
He couldn't perceive any different between twins.
We tend to perceive what we expect to perceive.

+Irritate(Verb),Irritating(ADJ.)= İrilti edici
After a while, her behaviour really began to irritate me.
He was smilling in a way I found very irritating.
Tom is beggining to irritate me.

I wasn't complaining. I merely said that ı was tired.
It was merely a joke.

+Predict(Verb) , (Un)Predictable(adj) , (Un)Predictability (n) ,Prediction (Noun) =Tahmin
The ending to the film was just so predictiable.
Please don't ask me to make any predictions about tomorrow's meeting.
It is impossible to predict earthquake.
Can you predict the future?

+Resist(Verb),Resistance(Noun),Resistant(Adj.) = Dayanmak ,Direnmek
She can never resist buying new shoes. (VERB)
She cannot resist sweets. (VERB)
The man surrendered without resistance. (NOUN)
We expect heavy resistance. (NOUN)
This bacterium is resistant to penicillin. (ADJ.)

+Moderate = Orta,Ilımlı
Some doctors say that the moderate amount of wine consumption is good for your health.
Taking moderate exercise will keep you healthy.

+Stimulate(Verb),Stimulus(Noun),Stimulated(Adj) = Uyarmak ,Teşvik Etmek. //Stimulus= Teşvik
Knowledge of foreign languages stimulates brain activity. //certain=Belli,Belirli
The stimulus package was heavily criticised.
Stress is not always something negative ;actually a certain amount of stress helps a person to be stimulated.

+Associate=Birleştirmek,Ortak (verb)
Most of people associate this brand with good quality.
Don't associate with them.
I don't associate with people like Tom.Since you cannot predict what he can do.

+Eliminate=Elemek,Çıkarmak (Verb),Kurtulmak
Fatty foods should be eliminated from the diet. //Faty = Yağlı
After this operation ı was happy,since ı managed to eliminate the cancer.
Many countries have signed a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons.

+Measure=Ölçmek (VERB)
The measure of the love is to love without measure.
There are several ways to measure speed.
Please allow me to measure you.

+Addictive(ADJ.) , Addiction (Noun) = Bağımlılık
He is using addictive substance like thinner.
Tom never managed to get rid of his cigarette addiction.

+Become used to = Alışmak
Eventually,You will become used to the smeels of the lab. (Eventually = Finally )

+Withdraw (Verb) = Geri Çekmek , Withdrawal(Noun) :
ATM = Free Cash Withdrawals
The withdraval symptoms are more severe than ı thought. // SEVERE = ŞİDDETLİ

+Implement=Uygulamak (Verb)
The company is starting to implement the new management system from next month.
The plan was not implemented correctly.
He will be implementing this interface later.

I will do my best often means ı won't initiate anything.

+Trigger(Verb) = Başlatmak ,Neden Olmak ,tetik anlamıda var.
The police found Tom's fingerprint on the trigger. (TETİK)
Their small protest triggered a mass demonstration (NEDEN OLMAK)//Mass De.=Toplu Gösteri

+Assign(Verb) = Atamak,görevlendirmek
The teacher assigned a lot of homework and a book to read for semester.
I have to assign more men to that work.

+Enhance (Verb) = Arttırmak =Increase
I must take advantage to enhance my language ability.
If you have a good garden,it will enhance the value of your house.
Can we enhance the image ?

+Frequent= Sıklıkla , Infrequent = Nadir (ADJ)
I come here infrequently,I usually shop across the street.
I infrequently purchase fast food, but ı am not proud of it. // Purchase=Satın almak.
His letters become frequently, then interrupt immediately.

+Account For = Sorumlu Olmak
High tech. company account for %32 of the total value in the area.
We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips. // Penny = Kuruş.

+Consistent with (ADJ.) =Tutarlı
Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she's not consistent.
What he said yesterday not consistent with what he had said last week. //***
His daily behaviour is not consistent with his principles.

+Resolve (Verb) , Resolution ( Noun) = Karar vermek / Çözümlemek, Kararlılık /Çözünürlük
The government couldn't find any successful resolution about crisis.
It is impossible to resolve this question once and for all // once and for all =completely.

+Trivial =Önemsiz,Saçma (ADJ)
Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing.
Don't worry about such a trivial problem.
The proof is trivial.

+Convince = İkna Etmek (Verb)
You don't have to convince me, you have to convince Tom.
I tried to convince Tom to go to Boston with me.
We couldn't convince him of his mistakes. // Hataları Konusunda.

+Procedure(Noun),Process(Noun),Proceed (Verb) = İlerlemek devam etmek , ilerleme(noun)
His lawyer have decided not to proceed with this case.
The scientist insisted on proceeding with the research.
Are you ready to proceed ?

+Constantly = Sık sık = Frequently
He was constantly borrowing money from me.
I am constantly forgetting people's names.
My sister is constantly reading comic books.

+Consult = Başvurmak ,Danışmak ( VERB )
I will have to consult my boss before ı make a decision.
I want to consult you about something.
You can consult with me whenever you want.

+Emerging =Yeni Gelişen, Gelişmekte olan
Western government shoul be giving more aid to the emerging democraties.
What do you think emerging markets like Turkey ?

+Eager = İstekli ( Adj.)
People were eager for peace.
She is very hardworker and very eager to please // Memnun etmek için.
This article contains tips for those who are eager to enhance their vocabulary. // içerir ***

+Attitude =Tutum (Noun)
His attitudes towards women really scares me.
Such attitudes cannot be tolerated in our society.
Social attitudes oftentime take generations to change. // Toplumsal tutumlar genellikle nesilleri..

+Pursue =İzlemek,Takip Etmek (VERB)
Students should pursue their own interests.
I plan to pursue a career in international finance.
Do you intend to pursue your education ? //Sürdürmek olarak kullanılmış , INTEND = NİYET

+Obligation = Sorumluluk (Noun)
Employers have an obligation to treat all employers equally.
You have no obligation to help us.
We have a legal obligation to pay our taxes.

+Devote = Adamak (Verb)
She devoted herself full-time to her business.
My teacher told me that ı didn't devote enough time to preparing my speech.
I want to devote my life to education.
ı will devote my life to the study of history.

+Versus (prep) = Karşı
Tomorrow's game is NewCastle versus Arsenal.

+Postpone (Verb) = Ertelemek
They decided to postpone their holiday.
ı think we need to postpone my appointment // appointment = randevu
We had to postpone the gathering because of rain // gathering = Toplantı

+Experiment( N/V ) , Experimental ( Adj) = Deney,deneysel
The whole experiment was recorded on film. (Noun)
We went to the film festival and saw a good experimental film. (ADJ)

+Era = Çağ Dönem (Noun)
In the modern era, ......
we are in the era of atomic energy.

+Contradict (Verb) = Çelişmek
What he says and what he does totally contradict each other.
Tom and Mary contradict each other all the time .

+Recall (Verb) =Hatırlamak
Try to recall what happened.
I cannot recall her name at the moment.
Whenever we have such lovely rain, ı recall the two of us,several years ago.

+Compensate for (Verb), Compensation (Noun) = Telafi Etmek
Who will compensate for the loss ?
I worked hard to compensate for the loss.
Money cannot compensate for life.
To compensate for his unpleasent experiences in hospital , ...

+(Un)fulfill(ed) = yerine getirmiş (Verb),(un)fulfilling /ed ( adj.)
You must fulfill your duty // Fulfill
Tom didn't fulfill his obligations. // Fulfill
Can he fulfill his dreams ?

+Conduct= Davranış , idare etmek , yürütmek (Noun )
You must answer for your careless conduct . //Dikkatsiz davranışının hesabını vermelisin.
Etichs means the rules of conduct.
I am ashamed of my son's conduct. // ashame = utanmak

+Accomplish= Başarmak (Verb) = achieve
I will accomplish my purpose step by step.
Even if it takes you three years,you must accomplish your goals.
Did you accomplish the task ?

+Convey= İletmek (Verb)
We always use gestures to convey simple messages.
I cannot convey my feelings in words.

+Accurate (adj) = Kesin
We hope to more accurate in predicting earthquakes // predict =öngörmek
We need to know accurate information.
Honestly, ı am not the most accurate person on earth.

+Determination (Noun) = Saptama , Kararlılık
Determination is a key to success.
He was quite decided in his determination.
He always shows great determination in everything he undertakes.


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