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3 fard of ghusl: PAGE 41 AND 41 - Salah for Islamic Sisters
9 fard of Wuḍū: PAGE 9 - Salah for Islamic Sisters
15 Makrūĥāt of Wudu- page 14/15 - Salah for Islamic Sisters
29 Mustaḥabbāt of Wuḍū - page 11/12/13/14 - Salah for Islamic Sisters
13 Sunah of Wuḍū - page 10/11 - Salah for Islamic Sisters
->It is Farḍ to perform Wuḍū for:
-Sajdaĥ for the recitation of the Holy Quran
-touching the Holy Quran.
-It is Wājib to perform Wuḍū for Ṭawāf of the Holy Ka’baĥ. (ibid)
-> It is Sunnaĥ to perform Wuḍū:
-before Ghusl-e-Janābat
-for eating, drinking and sleeping when one is impure because of sexual intercourse
-for beholding the blessed mausoleum of the Beloved and Blessed Prophet
-for ritual stay in ‘Arafaĥ
-for performing Sa’ī between Ṣafā and Marwaĥ
->It is Mustaḥab to perform Wuḍū
-before going to bed
-after waking up from sleep
-before having intercourse with the spouse
-when in the state of anger
-for reciting the Holy Quran orally
-for touching religious books
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