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Location of scene. Small school hall with a stage on one side were everyone is sat. Loads of chairs. Shabby run down. Me sat on the stage. Everyone bellow sat in a semi-circle around him, mechanicals leaning on the wings. Parents doing props are at the side of stage
What is happening in the scene. Roomie, a frustrated director, is giving the cast (children) individual notes on how it is going so far. some praising and others advise how to improve. Struggling the challenges of the very young cast who some have no idea what they are doing. interrupted by people not listing needing to go to the toilet making silly jokes/suggestions. At end leaves the group after sing happy birthday
How the charter is feeling to the scene. Over all he feels calm and in control feels like he is in charge. has the highest states. Starts feeling frustrated because rehearsal hasn't gone to plan and expected better. Awkward because he doesn't know how to talk to younger kids. Asperated because some of the kids give sill comments. Pleased when he makes his 'joke'. Thrilled with the 2 kids that did a great performants. Hopeful. Says that we will get there in the end. Feels he would really be somewhere else. Wishes that he has a better job and he was at the RSC. Willing to celebrate birthday - kind. Feels it is right thing, my interpretation he joins in grudgingly.
The mood of the scene. Funny, comic scene. Dramatic in a way that he gives the notes. fun to watch. intellectual.
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Regards; Team

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