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Qualities of an Officer:
Self Control, Being able to control your actions in any situation
Maturity, Being able to act in such a manner as to not make yourself seem incompetent
Patience, Being able to accept delay, trouble, or insubordination without becoming frustrated
Open Mindedness, Being able to accept new ideas that you might otherwise reject

Department of Warfare: Tasked with maintaining wartime activities - General Pr_me
Department of Diplomacy: Tasked with maintaining allied relations with our current allies and running events with them - VCO 0amazingman0
Department of Community Relations: Tasked with events in the group not related to daily Officer events. These events include movie nights and community Assembly - No assigned director, mostly ran by Colonel jvstinq
Department of Advancement: Tasked with managing Officer Corp and Military Academy - Mostly ran by Colonels Commander and MikeyCicero
Department of Justice: - General TigerValdos
Department of Technology: - SHADOWTHEHEDGEHOGXX

1. Warning - Given for minor offenses like no grammar usage while on-duty
2. Suspension - Given for more major offences and can remove you from being in the Officer position for a certain amount of time. EX: Admin Abuse, excessive harassment
3. Demotion/ Rankblock - EX: Excessive AA
4. Blacklist - Removed from FEAR. EX: Treason

Discord Expectations
1. On-Duty channels. EX: Annoucements. Maintain maturity and use in professional manner. Off-Duty channels: EX: Lounge. Maturaity not expected but follow the Code of Conduct.
2. Upon reaching the rank of Officer, given access to Officer Corps channels. EX: Officer announcements, Officer Directory, Officer Lounge, Ally Lounge, inactivity_notices, and xp_log
3. Use xp_log channel for logging any XP that people earn at your events
4. Given access to Officer Auxiliary Channels. EX: announcements, maj_lounge
5. Given access to Officer Trello. Organizes documents and the officer corps as a whole

Officer Statuses
Active: Week Quota Completed
On Warning: Week quota not completed
Under Review: or more weeks without completing your weekly quota. At that point the advancement council reviews if you should remain as an officer
On Leave: Notified advancement council that you can't complete your weekly quota

Rank Structure
MR are ranks that have the abilities to host in the clan. Don't lead any departments but rather work in them. Majors are not a part of MRs. Made up of the ranks Officer and Lieutenant Colonel
HRs are ranks that have the abilities to take part in big dicisions for the clan. Hrs are also a part of the High Command. Made up of Colonel, General, and Vice Commander
Major is obtained by retiring as an Officer+ and voted by the Advancement council
Officers can progress as long as you are involved in a department and are active.
Lieutenant Colonels are Officers that are active. Colonels... Lieutenant Colonels
Generals are outstanding Lieutenant Colonels
Vice Commanders are outstanding Generals

Always Follow the Code of Conduct so others will do the same
A code of conduct is a document that outlines all behavioral expectation and consequences for breaking ruels. It's bound to all members of FEAR and must be followed at all time
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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