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How is fighting going to work?

1. Layout
This is an example of what a battle could look like. These numbers specifically has to be even so that they work for Tempestas Pulvis’ battle as certain abilities need an even number of rows. Your layout should not have any in betweens and must not have any extra rows. You can choose which character goes where because this may affect your gameplay. Once the game has started, you cannot change your character spaces with the exception of using the Switch ability.

2. Abilities/move set

All characters have the same auto move set (this is excluding a custom move, chosen by the player. This ability can be a defence or offence as long as it’s not too OP (with some rare exceptions)

Main moves are:
 Attack – If they have a magical weapon, this will deal 15hp. If they do have a weapon but do not have magic on their weapon, then this will deal 10hp. If they have no weapon or magic then they do 5hp. Attacks from any ‘!Sans’ will do 15-20 attacks per turn, each attack dealing 1hp. Even if they don’t use Block, they still have a 50% chance of dodging some attacks.
 Block – Flip a coin (if the player has a weapon, make it 60% chance heads, 40% tails). If you get tails your block is unsuccessful and you miss your turn. If heads, the next attack that hits you will be unsuccessful. This excludes attacks that are a group attack (e.g. Dust Strike from Tempestas Pulvis) and any attack that does 15+ hp. If the attack is a group attack/an attack that does 15+ hp, then you need to flip a coin again. If heads, then your block is successful. If tails, your block is unsuccessful and you take full damage. You also cannot block illogically; this means attacks that you logically can’t block. You can block magical attacks with a magic weapon, of course following the multiple damage rule (group attacks).
 Dodge – You have a 3% x Speed (e.g 3% x 7 = 21%) chance to dodge the next attack (follows the multiple damage rule). It is a auto attack and does not cost your turn. Will automatically turn off if you use Block. Any ‘!Sans’ have a 100% chance to dodge the first 15-20 attacks and then will have a 100% chance of getting hit after. If the multiple damage rule happens to a ‘!Sans’ then it will cost them 2 of their free dodging ability to Dodge successfully.
 Heal (exclusive to certain players) – Can heal 10-15 hp (depending on their strength) to one player (including themselves).
 Switch – Player must select who they want to switch with. After this, both the selected one and the selector will not be able to attack for 2 turns before switching. Note that the boss can still attack you during this time.
 [CUSTOM/SPECIAL ATTACK] (Some will have two different specials that can be used in the same match) - This can be whatever the player decides, as long as it’s not too OP (with exceptions). Must be crossed out after to indicate usage.

Other moves include:
 Check – Check what their move set is. Includes all stats and damage. Can only be used before battle.
 Talk – You can try to talk to an enemy to improve the chances for the Befriend move to work. Gives 2%-10% of a higher chance, depending on who does the move.
 Befriend – Gives a chance to befriend the enemy.
There is a 1%-3% chance to Befriend an enemy.
There is a 2%-4% chance to Befriend a mini boss.
There is a 1%-5% chance to Befriend a boss.

These stats may vary depending on who you’re fighting, but these are the average percentages.
Item - This can be health potions, food, etc. Depending on the item, it will do whatever effect it does. There are also negative items that you can use at enemies. Negative effects can be [BLEEDING], [POISON], [BURN], [BLINDNESS], [POSITIVE EFFECT REMOVER], [SLEEPING], [STUN], [MAGIC DECREASE], [NON-MAGIC DECREASE], [PARALYSIS], [SLOWNESS], [FREEZE] and [HP LOSS/HARMING]. Positive effects can be [INSTANT HEALTH], [REGENERATION], [INVISIBILITY], [STRENGTH BOOST], [SPEED], [NEGATIVE EFFECT REMOVER], [RESISTANCE], [MAGIC INCREASE], [NON-MAGIC INCREASE], [WATER BREATHING], [CRITICAL INCREASE], [CRITICAL DAMAGE INCREASE], [LEVITATION].

3. Stats

All players will have 90hp-589hp, all side/mini bosses will have 590hp-999hp and all bosses will have 1,000hp-2,000hp. Health bars must obviously show who’s health bars who’s to stop confusion. If they are a ‘!Sans’, they have 1hp.

All effects must be on the left of the health bar. All negatives will be in red and all positive effects will be in green. Write all effects as acronyms (e.g [SB], [SLP], [SLW], [HPL/H] which means Strength Boost, Sleeping, Slowness and HP Loss/Harming)

All specials must be shown as a ‘S’and must be on the right of the health bar.

4. Actual Fighting

These battles are turn based; every player (excluding bosses/mini bosses/enemies) must flip a coin. If heads, you get your turn. If tails, you don’t get your turn. You can attack/use an items/talk/befriend, one ability per turn.
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