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Main Task
• Row 001 - 105 - COE Framework;
• Row 106 - 258 - Open Loop -- This bot needs to work all day long. Because during the day appear a new demand, from RPA RI or after processed procedure OW;
• Row 109 - 135 - Create folder if doesn't exist for extract the queue to CSV file;
• Row 136 - 151 - Check if VDI is register on database CBS_CI.rpaci.Machinebots;
• Row 155 - Update status In Progress on database Machines Bots;
• Row 156 - Back the invoices to queue
• Row 157 - 168 - Check if this machine have demand - If v_CountBroker greater than 0 then execute the procedure procBroker with parameter 20 (minutes) .
□ If some machine processed this procedure more 20 minutes ago, then procedure will generate a new queue for all machines.
□ The machine that is running, when to complete the current invoice, will skip the loop and go back again for extract queue
• Row 169 - 179 - Just Inclue how much invoice each machine has for process on EHF database;
• Row 181 - 235 - Open Queue
• Row 186 - 236 - If Exist demand, open csv file, if not exist then wait 300 sec for generate procedure again, and check stop task
• Row 202- 212 - Check if stop task
• Row 213 - Clear variable for ordernumber OW
• Row 214 - 236 - Checks whether the status of the invoice is still open then process the invoice, calling Login JDE, ProcessOW, ReceiveJDE and ReceiveNeogrid
• Row 237 - 239 - Update Machinebots database with status STOPED (19)

We can split this task in 5 Section:
○ 6.1 - Clear and Create folders in Bot Machine; row 104 - 135
○ 6.2 - Check if machines is on database machine bots; row 136- 151
○ 6.3 - Execute the Broker for process new queue; row 152 - 168
○ 6.4 - Get total demand for EHF; row 169 - 180
○ 6.5 - Process Demand; row 181 - 251
○ 6.6 - Update Machinebots with STOPED machine - row 252 - 258

Process OW (2.2 - 2.7)
· Row 154 - 168 - Item 2.2 Key Stroke - Select Favorite menu and Click on (Entrada do Pedido COM NF - OW);
· Row 169 - 194 - item 2.3 Key Stroke - Insert information about BP. In the field Filial/Branch, insert the Branch Plant Number - After fill the information, click in advance
· Row 195 - 209 - Item 2.4 Key Stroke - Insert AddressNumber of the supplier;
· Row 210 - 308 - Item 2.5 Key Stroke - Insert information about itens Code of product with amount and price etc..
· Row 309 - 330 - Item 2.6 Key Stroke - Click advance
· Row 331 - 399 - Item 2.7 Key Stroke - Insert information about cod Tax (FINALIDADE)
· Row 400 - 404 - Close all windows
· Row 405 - 406 - Update information Waiting Receive on JDE E1

ReceiveJDE(3.0 - 3.4)
· Row 132 - 136 - Item 3.0 KeyStroke - Click on Favorite and Recebimento do Pedido com Nota Fiscal;
· Row 137 - 165 - Item 3.1 KeyStroke - Insert information about order liek Order, BP, CNPJ and advance
· Row 166 - 201 - Item 3.2 KeyStroke - Insert information about date received (We have a role that IF Date invoice is currenty this month Else we using date invoice. IF diferente we using firt date of month currenty) Is it Clear ?
· Row 202 - 265 - Item 3.3 KeyStroke - Insert Key Invoice (Chave de Acesso) and date invoice and advance. If the Serie number equal zero, then the website show the alert (yellow) .
· Item 3.4 Key Stroke is about line 254 - 255;

Receive Neogrid (4.1 - 4.4)
• Row 126 - 190- item 4.1 Key stroke - Insert information about invoice and seach for manifest this invoice (Governament Mandatory);
• Row 191 - 199 - Item 4.2 Key stroke - Select the Invoice;
Row 200 - 257 - Item 4.3 Key Stroke - Made Register on Neogrid
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Regards; Team

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