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Wayang, a Malay word meaning “a theatrical performance employing puppets or
human dancers”, commonly refers to Chinese street opera in Singapore. This
traditional Chinese dramatic form was brought to Singapore by immigrants from China
during the 19th century as part of their religious rites.
The earliest description of wayang dates back to as early as 1842. Wayang is a form of
Chinese musical theatre which incorporates a wide range of art forms like song, dance,
mime, acrobatics and martial arts. It was brought to Singapore by Chinese immigrants
who arrived in the later half of the 19th century.
These Chinese immigrants later built temples for worship and wayang would be staged
outdoors on temple grounds for the amusement of deities and as a form of respect
during the celebration of deities’ birthdays and customary festivals. Such performances
were probably free to watch, as professional opera troupes would be engaged and
paid for by wealthy Chinese businessmen or clan associations. Consequently, wayang
became the cheapest and most accessible form of entertainment for the Chinese
The popularity of wayang soon rose to such a level that the large crowds at these
performances worried the authorities. The government attempted to restrict wayang
through measures such as the 1856 Police and Conservancy Acts which restricted
assemblies, processions and street operas. However, such measures were met with
protest, and wayang continued to flourish as the controls were eased.
By the late 1800s, wayang’s popularity had prompted the building of dedicated
theatres. They were located mainly in Chinatown, such as Lai Chun Yuen at Smith
Street (which the Cantonese colloquially called Hei Yuen Kai meaning “theatre street”)
and Heng Wai Sun and Heng Seng Peng at Wayang Street (which is now called Eu
Tong Sen Street).
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