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Virtual Reality Narratives, or, The Creative Renaissance and The Death of Media
The exponential progress of technology will eventually bring us to this: a box sitting on a shelf.
This box is an affordable, intuitive, and accessible computer system that enables one to perform real-time matter manipulation from any conceivable point-of-view within a virtual reality space.
This virtual space would be indistinguishable from real life, and the laws of physics would be governed by computer scripts that the user could choose to modify. Effectively, this machine would end up serving the purpose of an imagination. A mechanized imagination, or, perhaps more prophetically, a mechanized dream. The eventual outsourcing of human imagination/dreaming to machines becomes inevitable given our ever-increasing distance from nature/self. However, this technology would be immensely beneficial for humanity, allowing all people to obtain the ancient superpower of Creation, albeit in a virtual facsimile, and learn to tap into the infinite field of Consciousness to create, unbounded.
The Creator initially would be allowed a Space, with the option to introduce Time. Space would be a featureless, endless void. The Creator then would introduce Time and assume control over it, being able to progress and reverse throughout with an accompanying visual reference and the ability to set key-points to "lock" a current or future state of matter. The Creator would also be granted a set of Variables to manipulate the physics/reality of the simulation.
To make all of these choices on the fly, and make The System truly intuitive and accessible, it would require a connection between The Creator's brain and itself to input The Creator’s mental stimuli and create the proper visual/physical output. The mental stimuli for the user would hopefully be coupled with a gesture input, not only because it would be a common input method with VR simulations, but because the active and ancient motion of gesturing and using your body to create is far more brain-stimulating than the raw creative thought.
The Creator would then create. Wishes, dreams, memories.. Films, mythologies, cosmologies, religions, alternate realities, hallucinations – for perhaps the first time ever in a truly meaningful way, these concepts would be “recorded,” all would be recreated endlessly in the virtual realms by enormous masses of people. Every film you could ever imagine. Suddenly, budget doesn’t matter to get that dream actor. The lighting’s always good. But not only that, these films would be entire realities to the spectators of them. Each Creator would have the option of placing their unique creation, the world they’ve built around them and the story they want to tell, into a separate virtual machine, to exist as a little packaged reality, tucked away from the main hub of your Space. This would turn into a sort of external experience that one enters, an eternal narrative. The implications are staggering.
The Creator would have the option of opening their creation to the public, allowing an observer into their meticulously crafted reality-space. Placing the observer within one of three modes: locked, free-switch, and third-person. The effect would be a creative renaissance, with every narrative
would eventually evolve into a highly personalized function of creation and sharing, the personally-crafted facsimile of one's living memory being used as a standard for love and friendships and relationships.

If you had met a person, and you forged a beautiful relationship, and a sensitive one, and you knew them better than you even knew yourself, and they wanted to show you something they had created.. A vision of what they are, at their truest, their core, their true vision of what they had in them and what they wanted to show.. Their creativity and life unbounded. And you decided to get in it, and experience it. And it starts at your birth and ends with your death. And at times, you'd forget what you were doing, that this was something that was being shown to you, and at some points you'd remember and you'd look up and think of your friend and how they made that, shit, they made that! They're fucking awesome.. It's just such a trip, it's a blast.. And you'd forget again, and you'd bring yourself to the end of the showing and you'd exit in the most peaceful dream, waking to your friend asking you how it went. And you'd realize that they gave you that, they gave you who you were. It was the most perfect gift, a complete summation of their love and being, and the complete loss of your own ego, and the power of it all...And if you ever forget who you are and where you were, just remember you're watching a movie created for you by your soulmate, who is you. Two people in a relationship who create lives for each other to live get lost in the lives they gave to each other. Two cosmic gods creating vessels to lose their ego and fall in love in. To forget themselves in. A man and a women, who were in such great love and sync that they decided to trust each other with the greatest jump, a jump into a person or animal's life, chosen for them by their soulmate, in order to test their love and see if they would fall in love again.. In order to shed their ego. To live a life and forget who they were, to wake and know what it was to not be them, to not be either thing, to just lose their selves in their partners love-vision. They present their first cosmic gift to each other, a life to live. The small version: a couple in the future, after the complete fall of society to automation and virtual realities, create realities for their partner to enter and experience. The cosmic creation myth version and the smaller humanistic techopocalypse VR version.

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