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this level of awareness is the most primitive one, i need food, water, warm.
-people with this core value: babies, feral childs, senile people
-Human history: Prehistory, caveman
-less than 1% of world population
-paradigm shift to stage 2: "I need to cooperate with others to increase my survival rate, i can't survive by my own"


i can trust in my family & i can trust in close friends, i belong to a tribe, my tribe gives me safety, the world is a very mysterious place and the only explanation to things are superstition, magic, spirits & gods.
-People with this core value: aboriginal, Shamans
-Human History: first tribes
-1% of world population
-paradigm shift to stage 3: "if i became the leader of my tribe i can increase my survival rate"


i am selfish, i want to be the leader of my tribe, i want respect from others, i want more food, i want people to obey me, i WANT things and i will use my FORCE and POWER to feed my ego.
life is a battle, survival of the fittest-stronger, life is a competition, social structures based on power.
-People with this core value: criminals, impulsive people, bullies, religious extremist, extremely intolerant & selfish people, Cruel people.
-Human History: agricultural revolution, first empires, dictators.
-20% of world population
-paradigm shift to stage 4: "being impulsive and selfish has consequences to me and others, we need order, rules, morals, i need to respect others in order to survive"


i submit myself to the system because that gives me comfort and safety, i can't stand by myself, i respect the law, authority, religion, i never question anything because my belief are the absolute truth,
i felt lazy, empty, conformist, with low Self-esteem, i felt that my life is meaningless, my inaction is ruining my life and the life of others and i felt guilty about it, i felt like a loser and selfish, i dont deserve to be loved or to be happy.
-People with this core value: people with 9-5jobs, Twitch chat, religious people, Conservatives, modern society.
-Human History: civilization, Modern Age, Religion, church, countries.
-40% of world population
-Paradigm shift to stage 5: i want to be a winner, i want success, i want to question society and improve myself, i want to be my own boss instead of working as a slave for someone, watch real social dynamics.
realizing that Your childhood trauma was not your fault and You deserve to be successful, trust in your intuition and be confident again, develop your social skills.


i want validation and recognition, individualism, life is a game, i am willing to manipulate and take advantage of the rules to achieve my goals and be successful, Even at the expense of others and the environment, i only crave for good experiences, status, money, fame, freedom, fake confidence, selfishness, materialism.
-People with this core value: entrepreneurs, corporations, Businessman, corrupted politicians, idols, "successful" people. -Human History: industrial revolution, Capitalism
-30% of world population
-Paradigm shift to stage 6: validation, money and material things will never bring me Lasting happiness, no amount of experience or drugs will never fill me, i want human connection, purpose, i want to care and give and receive love unconditionally, i am being a cancer to society and my life felt meaningless.


humanism, altruism, responsibility, good intentions, human relationships and human connection, selfless, empathy, compassion, fight for a good cause, abundance mentality
-People with this core value: save the children, greenpeace, charity, activist, the zeitgeist movement, people in politics with good intentions, some vegans.
-Human History: 1950 approximately, hippie movement, declaration of human rights, ecology, etc.
-10% of world population
-Paradigm shift to stage 7: Facts > Feelings, good intentions is not enough, if i really care about the world then i need to have the biggest impact, we need to value logic, facts, science and reality.

tier 2:
STAGE 7 COLOR YELLOW, CORE VALUE (UNDERSTANDING)(life is about life itself, reality)

systemic thinking, i value consistency, logic, knowledge, facts, science, objective reality, i want to understand the world and other people, neuroplasticity (open minded), overcome excuses, overcome cognitive biases, cognitive dissonance and ego defense mechanism, cognitive empath (you see people as humans, not as NPCs) thinking in probabilities instead of binary, be result-oriented instead of outcome-dependent, sustainability, thinking outside the box and question everything.
-People with this core value: Einstein, spinoza, carl sagan, Bill gates
-Human History: Right now
-less than 0,01% of world population
-Paradigm shift to stage 8: logic itself is not enough, you need to understand the emotional component, understand awareness and psychology-neuroscience As a whole. this take a lot of time projecting yourself in others, meditation.

STAGE 8 COLOR TURQUOISE (AWARENESS)(no core value - no attachments)

Holistic global understanding of Awareness, psychology, neuroscience, existence, subconscious, emotions and humans, rational intelligence + emotional intelligence, insane neuroplasticity, constant state of flow, true selflessness, clear mind without noise, ego death, you became water. change the world and change people, global union, you try to spread your awareness to other people (a teacher who creates other teachers), the most intelligent person on the world makes others intelligent, the most good person in the world makes others good.
-People with this core value: Athene, Gandhi, Buddha, jesus
less than 0.0001% of world population
-Human History: Right now
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