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I support BLM for rather obvious reasons, because black lives matter

Black people (&POC in general) in our country, and the world, have the deck stacked against them. Since slavery was "abolished", we have made it our goal to keep POC under our thumb. From the part written in that slavery was legal if "convicted of a crime", to the impoverished way they were abandoned since freeing. We have made sure that black people stayed poor and undereducated, by packing them into "the ghetto" under funding their schools, refusing them jobs, and throwing them into jail on trumped up charges simply for existing. We portray them as thugs and criminals, praising affirmative action and those who do manage to beat the odds as "proof" of our good deeds. We treat them as less than human, ignoring blatant police violence, not giving screen time to the missing and murdered, simply because they're not white.

When they protest the many injustices, we look the other way and pretend not to see them. When their unheard cries are unanswered, and their anger turns to rage as would anyones, we treat riots as "evidence" we were right all along. Objects become more important than the people themselves, and instead of trying to understand how it could get this far, we simply call them thugs and criminals again. We use bits and pieces of speeches from the most influential black people (MLK, Malcolm X, etc.), and try to shame them for getting angry, when anger is sometimes the only way to make change. We have committed countless atrocities against them, lynching, bombings, the fucking KKK. We have a higher regard for confederate flags and monuments, saying its heritage not hate, like the meaning behind them isn't apparent. I'm sorry for rambling, there are a lot of reasons thing we need to answer for, all lives will never matter until black lives do.

What have I done to show my support? Not enough, I know that. I speak out against anyone who says "all/blue lives matter", I try and educate misconceptions and blatant oppression, and always have POCs backs. I've gone to protests, and signed petitions. I also flood my timeline with injustices against anyone marginalized. It's not enough, I know that.
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