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Guest_bunnies79amy: <.<
MisterMustacheNinja: sup
Guest_bunnies79amy: lol ur ugly XD
MisterMustacheNinja: lool shush
Guest_bunnies79amy: <.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: -spanks u-
MisterMustacheNinja: o.e oi
Guest_bunnies79amy: dont shush me.
MisterMustacheNinja: >.>
MisterMustacheNinja: Shush
Guest_bunnies79amy: -kicks him-
Guest_bunnies79amy: ,.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: <.<
MisterMustacheNinja: ow
Guest_bunnies79amy: lol
MisterMustacheNinja: >.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: im bored..
MisterMustacheNinja: then what do you want to do >.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: idk.
MisterMustacheNinja: >.> idk either
Guest_bunnies79amy: -ties him up-
MisterMustacheNinja: *cuts through the rope* hehe *hides knife*
Guest_bunnies79amy: <.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: -chains him up-
MisterMustacheNinja: ...
Guest_bunnies79amy: -she would take off his clothes-
MisterMustacheNinja: *looks at you*
Guest_bunnies79amy: how old r u again..?
MisterMustacheNinja: 22 <.<
Guest_bunnies79amy: -she would get out a whip and whip his back twice in a row as hard as she could-
MisterMustacheNinja: *doesnt react*
Guest_bunnies79amy: -she would whip him harder having him bleed-
MisterMustacheNinja: *dont react*
Guest_bunnies79amy: WTF
Guest_bunnies79amy: ...
Guest_bunnies79amy: -cries and unchains him-
MisterMustacheNinja: *pats your head*
Guest_bunnies79amy: ...
Guest_bunnies79amy: UGH!
MisterMustacheNinja: ?
Guest_bunnies79amy: fuck life...!
MisterMustacheNinja: *tilts head*
Guest_bunnies79amy: ....
Guest_bunnies79amy: im sick of it.
Guest_bunnies79amy: im sick of everything.
MisterMustacheNinja: Of?
Guest_bunnies79amy: EVERYTHING
Guest_bunnies79amy: I AM JUST BETTER OFF DEAD...
Guest_bunnies79amy: im a waste of space.
MisterMustacheNinja: No
Guest_bunnies79amy: yes.
Guest_bunnies79amy: i dont have any friends..
Guest_bunnies79amy: i have no boyfriend.
MisterMustacheNinja: you have me as a friend
Guest_bunnies79amy: yea okay sure.
Guest_bunnies79amy: but u wouldnt know if i was gone.
Guest_bunnies79amy: no one would.
Guest_bunnies79amy: so u wouldnt feel the grief..
MisterMustacheNinja: *pat pat* i would
Guest_bunnies79amy: u would be like "where is she?"
Guest_bunnies79amy: that would be the end of that.
MisterMustacheNinja: then would you like to get to know each other
Guest_bunnies79amy: ikd.
Guest_bunnies79amy: idk.
Guest_bunnies79amy: it doesnt matter..
MisterMustacheNinja: it does
Guest_bunnies79amy: nothing matters.
MisterMustacheNinja: you do matter
Guest_bunnies79amy: im a fucking horrible person...
MisterMustacheNinja: Who isnt?
MisterMustacheNinja: *pat*
MisterMustacheNinja: bunnies?
Guest_bunnies79amy: its amy. x-x
MisterMustacheNinja: <.< i like bunnies tho
Guest_bunnies79amy: ok..
MisterMustacheNinja: ill happily be your friend
Guest_bunnies79amy: ok.
MisterMustacheNinja: ok then lets talk and hangout
MisterMustacheNinja: *poke*
Guest_bunnies79amy: idk what to talk about.
MisterMustacheNinja: Lool whats your favorite drink?
Guest_bunnies79amy: dr.pepper.
MisterMustacheNinja: >.< i love coke more
Guest_bunnies79amy: coke is cool.
MisterMustacheNinja: favorite food?
Guest_bunnies79amy: mexican.
MisterMustacheNinja: Tacos?
Guest_bunnies79amy: mhm.
MisterMustacheNinja: I love a good steak
Guest_bunnies79amy: i rarely have steaks.
MisterMustacheNinja: Dont like it?
Guest_bunnies79amy: i do.
Guest_bunnies79amy: i like them.
MisterMustacheNinja: how rare?
Guest_bunnies79amy: i never have them XD
MisterMustacheNinja: :o i love it medium rare
Guest_bunnies79amy: i have them fully cooked.
MisterMustacheNinja: hmm favoriet show?
Guest_bunnies79amy: vampire diares.
MisterMustacheNinja: ooo whos your favoriet character
Guest_bunnies79amy: Elena
MisterMustacheNinja: i like damien
Guest_bunnies79amy: hes cool too.
MisterMustacheNinja: hmm fav book?
Guest_bunnies79amy: i dont read.
MisterMustacheNinja: <.< hmm fav song?
Guest_bunnies79amy: uh.
Guest_bunnies79amy: i have a lot. so idk.
MisterMustacheNinja: one that comes to mind
MisterMustacheNinja: not bad
Guest_bunnies79amy: why didnt u react to me torturing u x-x
MisterMustacheNinja: >.> only rp with people i like with that
Guest_bunnies79amy: -sighs-
Guest_bunnies79amy: ouch...
MisterMustacheNinja: *pat* i dont know well enough for that besides im here for friends
Guest_bunnies79amy: whatever...
MisterMustacheNinja: >.>
MisterMustacheNinja: *poke*
Guest_bunnies79amy: what....:/
MisterMustacheNinja: >.> what do you want in this game?
Guest_bunnies79amy: brb
MisterMustacheNinja: tyt
Guest_bunnies79amy: bk..
MisterMustacheNinja: webc
MisterMustacheNinja: >.>
Guest_bunnies79amy: what do i want in this game..?
Guest_bunnies79amy: im into bdsm.
MisterMustacheNinja: A goal
Guest_bunnies79amy: what do u mean..?
MisterMustacheNinja: <.< like making friends,love etc
Guest_bunnies79amy: idk?
MisterMustacheNinja: youll get more out of the game
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