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Umm the comment about her being mentioned in Isaiah 34:14 is so false. Where did you get your information from? All I’ve read in the verse talks about nights creatures/creatures of the night. Does not even talk about any demonic presences. Secondly, Genesis 1 goes through the order of creation. So it mentioned God created man and woman. Genesis two is just the description/process of creating mankind.

This article states the Liltih was created with Adam and Gen. 1, However Lilith would not submit to Adam. Another account say’s she was a demoness. I find two problems with this. First one: God said everything He created was good. The first time He said something wasn’t good was when He said it wasn’t good for man to be alone. DEMONS ARE NOT GOOD! Second one: If Adam and Lilith were attempting to usurp power over one another, and fighting, and mentioning eneffable words (which by the way is described as SINFUL nature in the bible) then that clearly goes against the Idea of sin entering the world only after the serpent deceived Adam and Eve causing them to question God’s command and then committing what the bible records was the act that brought sin in the world further making the hearts of man corrupt and wicked. If Adam and lilith were fighting doin quarreling with each other, that would mean wickedness entered mans’ heart before the fall of Adam and Eve. That would mean that God lied!!! The Story of Lilith is completely inconsistent with the bible’s account of creation and everything pertaining to. I pray God opens the eyes of many to see that we cant read a Holy and Sacred book with heavenly concepts through a natural lends as if our intelligence trumps God’s wisdom.

To even put into the minds of non-discerning readers that Lillith is a possibility as Adam’s first wife is from a New Testament view, blasphemous heresy, abominable. Then mentioning C.S. Lewis while failing to mention the very much documented public domain works of his own that reveal he was an occultist, not really anyone who was truly a New Testament born again believer though he’s made out to be such by them duped by such things;

Lillith – liyliyṯ: A feminine noun referring to a night creature; a screech owl. It refers to a creature of the night that will settle among the ruins of the nations whom God judges (Isa_34:14; NIV, night creatures; NASB, night monster; KJV, screech owl). — The Complete WordStudy Bible Encyclopedia/Dictionary.

I find it very angering when i come to a bible archaeology website which at times, will have good articles that reflect a more honest New Testament view of such daily dynamic discoveries etc of archaeology, but on the other hand allows itself either willingly our unwittingly to be a pawn that peddles outrageous diabolist kabbala dark religion of witchcraft, the very thing God (Jesus) made clear that;

1Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

..and it’s peddled as ‘academic illustrious study’ which is really the musings of the ancient sages of all them who were not exactly on the side of the Biblical God (Old/New) as many in history have claimed they were, and thus have repackaged to seem innocent while reprogramming a unknowing reader with the language of the kabbalists dressed in scholastic garb, as part of a conditioning process. Truly this an externalization of the very mode of thought of the mystery schools, that if one is a born again believer in Jesus the Christ, this mode of thought is clearly discernible as a diabolist view for it’s a intermingling of Mesopotamian secret society ideas with biblical narratives wherein only the most well studied would be able to tell a difference of what is actually biblical and what isn’t.

Then the mention of the “Gap” theory which is another intellectual disingenuous reading of the genuine societal more Hebraic way of reading out how Genesis was written, and one doesn’t have to be scholar just to learn a bit of how Hebrews would tell a story, first a brief intro.. then a more expanded retelling (for various Biblical reasons).

Then looking to the Apocrphyal texts when the very name itself implies it’s not canon or doctrinal, King James himself said, “As to the Apocriphe bookes, I omit them because I am no Papist”. The basis of Romanist doctrines are formed on more Apocryphal writings than that of the Holy Bible. There is partial validity to the Apocryphal writings but not according to New Testament 1st century teaching. The fulfillment of some Old testament prophecies, such as those in Daniel, can be confirmed by the historical information in the Apocryphal books such as Maccabees. Any studied historian being honest knows not to consider the Apocrypha as part of scripture. Catholic Bibles included the Apocryphal books mixed with scripture. “Apocrypha” (which means “obscure”). The Apocrypha is no more inspired than are other things that might be included in today’s editions of the Bible, such as study notes, book introductions, devotional tips, etc.

The darkest occult books on spellcraft/witchcraft all praise Lilith with the utmost praise as she (supposedly) is the devil they call on quite a bit to perform their craft of incantations, curses, spells, and divining.

In Isaieh some commentators read Lilith, the Mesopotamian female night “demon” (v. Isa_34:14), as one of the creatures inhabiting this nightmare world. But we know clearly that the Bible does state there are female ‘spirits’ but them who were born of Adam and Eve (the only way it happened) and died and either ended up in heaven or hell. Lilith is seen as a screech owl — rather, “the night specter”; in Jewish mysticism/superstition (something they learned from pagan babylonians etc who are a offense to God) a female, elegantly dressed, that carried off children by night. All these are paganized worldviews of a false understanding of the reality we are in according to the God of the Holy Bible.

This article is teaching the ideas/views of high level dark craft as innocent academic truth seeking. A formidable deception for them who don’t have the right armor on.

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