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//did not connect //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //Call didn't connect to cx//sms sent to cx //

//concern shared but call dropped //
CMB suraj id is 11292//Callme experiment//cx called and shared the problem but cx call dropped

//call dropped post connected //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment//call connected but without response call got automatically disconnected//


//fresh order status //
CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx call to know the status of the order // dispatched date & DDR shared //courier partner not assigned / cx agree

//fresh order courier partner assigned//
CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx call to know the status of the order // dispatched date & DDR shared //courier partner assigned /told name //location share /tracking id nd no. sent to cx /// cx agree

CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx asked about the order status /case manager used on call/ dispatched date & DDR shared /checked location, courier name shared with cx /courier partner no. and tracking id shared through sms /assured for delivery as soon as possible till promised date / cx agree


CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want delivery before 16 // assured to cx for fast delivery //dispatch and DDR shared /told courier partner not assigned /location shared /cx agree

//fast delivery after courier partner assigned //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want delivery before 21 july // assured to cx for fast delivery //dispatch and DDR,EDD shared /told courier partner name /location shared with cx /tracking id and no. sent to cx /assured for delivery as per given date /cx agree


//stuck at one location //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment // cx asked about the order status /DDR,EDD,dispatch date ,location shared / order stuck at one location /complaint taken//24 to 48 hrs TAT shared /tracking id and no sent to cx / apology done /cx agree

//edd breacked late
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know about order status /ddr,dispatch date and edd, location shared/ order is late/beyond promise date //complaint taken /24 to 48 hrs tat shared fr update //assured for delivery as soon as possible/edd breached / cx agree

//item stuck and late both //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx asked about the order status //i checked status and found that item stuck at one location for 3 days//same informed to cx //complained raised //24 to 48 hrs tat shared //corier team number and tracking id shared /DDR ,EDD ,courier partner name shared/told laction/EED also breached/assured for deliver as soon as /apology doen//cx agree //

//today last date //comnplained //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx asked about the order status // dispatched date & DDR shared /EDD/location and courier name shared /no. tracking id sent /but today is last date for delivery but still it is not OFD so complained raised /24 to 48 tat shared /assured to deliver as soon as / cx agree


// Cancellation the order by mistake//
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to cancel the order because he placed the order by mistake // cancellation request taken /told cancellation done / cx agree

//CANCEL shipped //
CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx call to cancel the order because he did place this order by mistake // status marked shipped // cancellation request taken// ask to refuse at doorstep if delivery attempt // cx agree

//price increased //so he wants to canceled//
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment//cx wanted to know why price has been increased if rs 402 was showing there //informed to cx dispatch charges is added //cx do not wants to pay dispatch charge //apology done that we can deduct to it //cx also asked i applied 100 coupon //informed it can not be applied and also told how to apply and and told upto 10 can be discounted after applied //cx wanted to cancel request taken //told order cancelled //cx agree

//change the size and color //
CMB suraj id is 11292//Callme experiment//cx wanted to change product size from L to m size //informed to cx we ARE UNABLE TO change product size you can reorder for same product then you will have option then you can change size //cx also asked i have paid how i will get money //informed when order will be placed medium size //then you can cancel this order //then refund will be initiated in between 24 to 48 hrs //refund tat shared 7 to 10 working days post initiate //cx agree


//returned to wherehouse //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know the reason of order cancellation /apology done / info shared to cx that it is returned /told the mentioned reason // request to cx to place a new order /cx was irritated /courier team no share / cx agree

//returned to wherehouse from prepaid mode //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know the reason of order cancellation /apology done / info shared to cx that it is returned /told the mentioned reason // request to cx to place a new order /cx was irritated /courier team no share/ask to wait 6 working days to initiate your refund because it has to sent to whorehouse then refund can be initiated //refund tat shared 5 working days post initiate / cx agree

//returned in tracking details //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know abt delivery status // ddr ,dispatch date ,edd,courier partner name shared with cx //i checked tracking details and found order has been returned to seller // but under dispatch history shows ud //apology done //cx was irritated // told kindly place new order this product can not be delivered //cx agree


CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx want to know about order status /EDD,DDR,courier name shared / today it is OFD so ask to wait till 6 pm //assured to provide product as soon as till the time /courier boy number sent to through sms /told courier boy will also be call after reached at your location for delivery // cx agree

//OFD marked ud not marked //
CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx call to know about order status //dispatch date ,EDD/ddr shared // UD not marked but OFD marked from 24 july // FNDR not filled because OFD marked till 24 july //24 to 48 hr TAT shared/asuured to cx for delivery as soon as in between 24 to 48 hrs /courier team number sent to cx /cx agree

//OFD BUT corier denied TO DELIVER AT delivery address//
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx told that courier boy is denying to deliver the order at given address /apology done assured to delivery at delivery address/first UD marked // it is OFD so ask to wait till 6 pm end of the day ///EDD ,courier team name shared to cx ///sent courier team no and and told call back to him //cx agree


//UD marked //
CMB suraj id is 11292 /Callme experiment/cx call to know about order status // UD marked // FNDR filled and preferred time mentioned in it //24 to 48 hr TAT shared/asuured to cx for delivery as soon as/EDD/ddr/told reason of UD/share no.// cx agree

//denying to deliver ud //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx told that courier boy is denying to deliver the order at given address /apology done assured to delivery at delivery address/ UD marked with fake reason // FNDR filled preferred time mentioned in fndr // 24 to 48 TAT shared /dispatch date,DDR,EDD shared /cx was very irritated //assured for delivery as soon as possible in between 24 to 48 hrs / cx agree

//ud for out of delivery area //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know about order status /dispatch date,ddr ,edd shared / UD marked due to out of delivery area /reason told to cx for ud marked / FNDR not filled due to out of delivery area //24 to 48 TAT shared for update/courier team no. sent and told kindly call back //address confirmed with cx /// cx agree


//dispatch charge //
CMB suraj id is 11292//Callme experiment//cx want to know why dispatch charges is added if there was written free delivery //informed cx where free delivery is mentioned if u will place order with prepaid mode from dispatch change will not be applied //cx agree

//200rs coupon discount //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx want to know why he did not get full discount of rs 200 coupon //information share to cx that only 10% discount is possible on product selling price and also told discounted amt //cx agree

//assurity abt product //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx ask about the originality of the product // told to cx that assured products will be deliver to cx from assured sellers // cx agree


//refund initiated not refelected //
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx ask for refund status // refund initiated but not yet reflected // complaint raised // 24 to 48 hrs TAT shared for updation of cx /7 to 10 working days refund tat also shared to cx / / cx agree

//refund initiated//
CMB suraj id is 11292 //Callme experiment //cx ask for refund status // refund initiated // 7 to 10 working days TAT shared // cx agree

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Regards; Team

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