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s1 Rhymed Iambic Tetrameter Couplet (AA)
s2 Loose Iambic Pentameter (BBB)
s3 Free Verse (VOLTA)

Churning Day
Mixed Loose Iambic Pentameter with Trochees
Iambic Pentameter (Lines 1,6,19,27)

Personal Helicon
5 Quatrain Stanzas of Loose Iambic Pentameter
Full rhymes (Lines 1,3); Half rhymes (Lines 2,4): alternating per stanza: SH's exploration of negative capabilities + new forms of poetry to convey sensory Imagery (ARS POETICA)
Alexandrian last line (12 syllables): determination to seek out darker aspects of himself in 2nd collection: door into the dark
foxgloves: highly poisonous plant w beautiful flowers (Heaney's delve into NEGATIVE CAPABILITIES)
rats: scaresome aspects of the self (darker parts of Heaney's self-exploration)

Death of a Naturalist
Bipartite Divisions: 21 and 12 Lines
Iambic Pentameter with ENJAMBMENT
Blank Verse (Line 31,32,33): ultimate discomfort w frogs/ inability to return to position of innocence once acquiring knowledge of sexual pleasures

Bipartite Divisions of 16 and 8 lined sections: desire to return to nostalgic childhood: off-kilter lyrical quality of nursery rhyme
Iambic Pentameter (AABBCC)
Half-Rhymes (Lines 1,2 and 17,18) and Full-Rhymes (Lines 3,4 and 23,24): emphasis to full-rhymes which generate anticipation of blackberries bursting
HEROIC COUPLET (last 2 lines): maturation past VOLTA and knowledge of decaying artifice of sexual sin

Early Purges
7 Tercets
Loose Iambic Pentameter (Cyclical nature of death & life + Cycle of SH mimicking Dan Taggart's utilitarian cruelty)
ABA CDC EFE rhyme scheme (w the meter): undercut serious traumatic subject matter of death of innocent animals, emphasizing young SH's innocence + shocking nature of scarring visceral death

Mid-Term Break
7 Tercets w lack of rhyme scheme (segmented clinical depictions (SH's detachment))
line 1: Iambic Pentameter (hypercactlectic w one extra syllable)
line 2: trochee, spondee, iamb, phyric, iamb
line 4: phyricc + trochic tetrameter

Typographical variations through INDENTATIONS (S1,4,5,6) in 6 Quatrains
Iambic Tetramater, alternating 8 & 9 syllables (S1,2): Father's skill @ ploughing field with expertise and 8 syllables (tetrameter s3,4,5): mimic Father's laboured breathing and reflect physical toil + sensory imagery
Lack of meter past VOLTA (S6) highlights condescension toward father
ABAB CDCDC EFEG HIHI rhyme scheme, half-rhymes & full-rhymes: emphasis to SH's father's expertise and skill @ maneuvering horse-drawn plough

The Wife's tale
Loose Blank Verse with Hypercactlectic Lines (Line 9): extra syllable asserts HUSBAND's DOMINANCE and Cactlectic Line: ominous atmospere QUICKENS reader's pace (Line 2)
Full-rhyme of "ease" and "trees" euphonic effect: languid and tranquil acceptance of gender and societal roles

Field Of Vision
Iambic Pentameter, Cacatelectic Lines (Line 2): Aunt May's entrapment and immobility, both physical (wheelchair) and independent female in a machismo culture (aunt may represents marianismo culture), Hypercactelectic Lines (Line 1,3): freedom aunt May gets from viewing Nature + Heaney's expanded field of vision to widen his ARS POETICA and change SH's 3 spheres of selfhood (hidden self, artist, Ireland) and eschew convention in poetry + sycamore tree as symbol of clarity of vision + intensity of Aunt May (hyperbole)

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