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Chapter 1, This story is about the crooked man, One day in 1995 there were 4 little girls at a sleepover. There names were Amariah, Roselyn, Kiana and Janelly. This took place at Amariah's house. They decided to play the crooked man. All you have to do is put on the song and sing it. While the girls were singing the song they heard something come from the kitchen... they paused to song real quick and looked at each other, they were both so terrified. But they all agreed that it was probably Amariah's mom in the kitchen and played the song to continue singing. They heard another noise in the kitchen! They are freaked out and went to bed quickly, but one of the girls couldn't go to sleep, the girl that couldn't go to sleep was Kiana she decided to go and get some water and try and go to sleep. As she's going to the kitchen she hears a LOUD bang in the kitchen! She freaks out but she keeps telling herself that it's all in her head. So she gets water and as shes going back to bed she see's the crooked man singing his own song. Kiana is freaking out she doesn't know what to do so she just stands there.. The next thing you know there is blood everywhere and the kids wake up to smelling blood, they all thought Kiana was messing with them so they cleaned the blood up and went to bed thinking Kiana will show up in her bed in the morning but little did they know Kiana was dead.. They wake up to Amariah's mother telling them to "Wake up" and saying "Rise and Shine Gorgeous kids". But she realized that Kiana is missing...
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