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The final area that I'll do my best to explain is "movement". From the classes and workshops I have had over the years, I find that one of the best books to cover this in great detail is The Paper Canoe by Eugenio Barba, and I mean "great detail" in both meanings.
The key idea in Chapter 3 as well as the over-arching focus of the book is to create a separation between daily and extra-daily movement. He gives quite a comprehensive explanation of what he means, but I'll try to keep it simple for the sake of any listeners. Basically, daily is like everyday movement. You're conserving energy. You're using the minimum amount necessary to complete a task. The extra-daily is basically wasting energy in a believable way.
The easiest example for this is walking. You probably didn't think about how you were walking just before this. You just put 1 foot in front of the other and got to where you are now. The extra-daily movement would have you exhaust yourself in order to move. Imagine a ballet dancer, Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks, or even a basketball player trying to fake you out. Those movements are interesting partially due to how unusual they are. However, they are all still believable on that stage. Also, to anybody wondering about the basketball player, tell me they aren't performers. That's the whole point of sports. You would never normally jump over somebody's head just to get past them, but I digress.
Barba looks at 3 main areas in order to create these extra-daily movements. They are:
-The edge of balance
-Opposition (reduction?)
-consistent inconsistency
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