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MrBoss’s OLD Videos Are THE WORST!
Ya know MrBossFTW right?
Sorry, BossManBlankTheWorld.
Your welcome for that one.
Boss Plays.
I bet he does, little player.
Yeah you know him?
I was streaming the other day right - touch my bell - and we came across some of his old content.
It’s bad. Reaaaally bad.
Not bad as in clickbait, but just (insert adjective lmfao)
To be fair to him, most people’s old content is dreadful, so I’m just playing with him in this video.
Just another video with his name in the title.
Just playing with the man.
C’mon RossyBear, we all know you love it when I play with you.
There’s an easy fix for everything

First video we found is this absolute belter.
‘Crazy Guy Talking About Who Knows What On College Campus.’
The irony.
Crazy Guy.
Talking about who knows what.

This is a LOL moment!
Fuck I can’t wait!
I was sitting outside the library - standard - and all of a sudden this random guy appears...LOL.
Don’t you just hate it when you’re sat outside the library and a random event occurs.
Nico wanna go bowling
Fuck off Roman.
Fuck these random events. LOL!!!
Rrrrrrroll it! keem beard

(Part of vid)

Oh so he’s a religious preacher guy.
RossBoss! It’s not very nice to record this man and call him crazy because of his beliefs!

Moving on:
‘Someone F*cked Up Big Time!’
Proud of you RossBoss, been censoring the fuck word since late 2012, good job baby!
Bump this video up on reddit!
No I don’t think I will!
Oh go on then!
(Eddie Hearn)
Oh well, that went well didn’t it Boss Player.
(There’s an easy - stfu)
Rrrrrroll it!!

play rubberneckin over video???
Define rubberneck.
‘Turn one’s head to stare at something in a foolish manner.’
Ya know what’s even more foolish?
Being on your phone whilst driving.
Ya know what’s ironic?
You’re filming a fucking accident whilst driving.
Fucking hell you’ve always been an insensitive retard then eh?
Oh look an accident! Someone could be seriously injured or even dead over there I wonder how that happened perhaps they were on their phone whilst drivi- Oh. Ah well fuck it, views! 7,600 of them! Worth it!
Someone fucked up big time.
Yeah, you.
Next up and my personal favourite back from boss’s badass battle days on call of duty! (Emphasis on B :):):)
‘Funny Ninja Defuse Moment In Call If Duty 4 by MrBossFTW.’
It’s by his mate, dunno why he’s titled it like that. Anyway, the video is from 2012 but the clip is from 2009 apparently.
It’s a classic.
“Hey guys MrBossFTW-“
-Here back with yet a fucking nother grand theft auto five online. Sorry, carry on BossBear.
‘I just wanted to bring you a little short if me saying OMG OMG ROFL LMAO’
(What the fuck moment??)
I love it. I fucking love it.
This man’s meme potential spans back to when he was just a foetus.
‘My buddy TwitchFTW’
There’s a whole clan of For The Wins ‘OMG OMG rofl lmao!’
So here it is, Boss’s mate is gonna get a ninja defuse on COD4.
It’s where you defuse the bomb as soon as the enemy plants it, it’s very sneaky.
I’d define it as an ‘OMG OMG ROFL LMAO’ moment.
Rrrrroll it!!


I dunno what to say.
More funny irony though rofllmaolmaoroflcopterrofllmaooo!!!
He gets killed by a guy with an M16 and goes ‘these kids are killing me with these M16s’
Then goes on to say
These damn kids eh!!! Rofllmao!!
You’ve gotta love the man, he’s just a living meme at this point.
I struggle to be mad at him now.
Right so this vid is likely like my lower length LOL (cock joke :):):):):)

Short. It’s a short vid.

But it’s fine because the new clickbait length is 8 minutes soon!
Yep, you can have numerous ads on videos that are 8 MINUTES long, not 10 minutes.
So let this be a message to you all to look out for the people that suddenly change their videos to 8 minutes long.
They’re in it for the cash. Shocker.
Speaking of cash (throooobbers!!) (recent stream mention)

(Stolen jokes)
Jokes on the other hand, dunno why I do this shit, it’s just funny.
Right, sexist jokes let’s go!
Why are women like condoms?
Because they spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.
And for the offended women watching, this next one is for you.
What’s the difference between a joke and 2 dicks?
You can’t take a joke.
Ahaaaa get it? You can take two dicks.
Moving on, sorry lads, you’ve got it coming too.
What does it mean if a man is in your bed, panting and calling your name?
You didn’t hold the pillow down long enough.
See, it’s not all bad!
Why do only ten percent of men make it to heaven?
Because if they all went, it would be hell.
How can you tell if a man is well hung?
When you can just barely slip your finger between his neck and the noose on that note end of video what the fuck.
Just jokes alright chill out, if you’re offended, this can be the last video you watch, I make offensive jokes every video so there ya go, you’ve been warned against ALL of them.
Thanks for watching, thanks for the support recently, I did a stream reacting to clickbait recently and the support was horrendously good. You all know who you are.
Touch my bell if you wanna join the next one, leave a fat like for me; thanks for watching and pea soup!!
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